Technical Service reset tools.

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Technical Service reset tools.


Nov 28, 2010
Speaking slowly, and in single syllable words, could any of you nice peeps explain exactly what messages my 59 1.3 Mjet will give me re service and oil.

And what tools might I need?

I have a canbus reader already - how much of this is useful with my car?

I know I need something to reset the service light when it appears - but do I then need to tell the ecu that I have changed the oil so it can start counting again?

And do I get an oil degradation message as well? None of the tools that I have seen mention this message for a 500 although they do for the 1.9 Fiats.

As my car is now in its third year, I would like to service it myself once the warranty expires, but would like to make sure that I can cope with the "nasty message" side of things.

Suffice to say, I have read and enjoyed similar threads on here, but they don't seem to fully answer the above (or, more likely, I'm too thick to understand them!)

The sort of tool I am looking at would be something like the Sealey VS8623.

All help gratefully received.......
what code reader do you have alread?

from having a poke about you might be better off (providing you have a lap top) with Fiat ecu scan and the relevent leads.......

looking in the menu for the 1.3 500 there is only one reset option in the service menu so i dont think it has the oil degredation sensor installed (im happy to be proved wrong)

you can download it for free from here

but for it to actually work you need to pay for it.....
what code reader do you have alread?

from having a poke about you might be better off (providing you have a lap top) with Fiat ecu scan and the relevent leads.......

looking in the menu for the 1.3 500 there is only one reset option in the service menu so i dont think it has the oil degredation sensor installed (im happy to be proved wrong)

you can download it for free from here

but for it to actually work you need to pay for it.....

I'd also suggest that might be the most cost-effective option & would likely also have a good development & update path.

As for resetting the oil service light, then according to the software author, this function is implemented:

but some further research might be needed to confirm definitively that it works on the 500.
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Hello and thanks so far!

Going from memory (its in the shed, and its cold outside atm!) my reader is an Autel Maxiscan.
I did look at the FiatEcuScan and was impressed - but as I dont have a laptop, it would be a v. expensive option.

Reading between the lines (probably incorrectly) do I assume that the 1.3 Mjet simply flags up an oil change after so many dpf cycles instead of flagging a separate Degradation message. After all, both mean the same thing - change oil time!

Thus, an oil change would be posted after either a set number of miles or a set number of regens.

Am I miles off the mark here?
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there are two service related warnings.

The service warning will appear every 18000 miles to inform you that you are due a service. This is flagged by the dashboard and reset with the appropriate tool when the service is carried out, popping up again when another 18000 miles have been covered. You can see a countdown in the dashboard menu, based solely on odometer reading.

The oil service light is flagged by the ECU based on the number of DPF recharges completed. Dependant on the type of motoring you do this may pop up at any time. If you do a lot of stop start city driving it will be quite often and for all motorway work you might even get to the service interval. Mine is consistent aroung the 12000 mile mark. I do the service at this point anyway.

I have a Sykes Pickavant service reset tool which resets the dashboard warning and there is a "uniplex" adaptor which you put in between the tool and the OBD socket to allow it to reset the oil degredation light.

Your Maxiscan will only show you OBD codes and cannot reset anything other than the MIL light.
Many thanks - it was the Sealey version of the Sykes Pickavent tool that I was considering.

Would I ever need the extra complexity of the FiatEcuScan software if my main need was to simply reset the service and oil service messages?

The expense of all these gadgets mean I can only really afford to buy one, so I want to try and get it right first time. Hence I am trying to pick the many brains on this forum.

Thanks again!
what you would probably best doing is asking the Question on FES websites form or messaging the owner as to what the program will do... (just to confirm it will let you clear the oil degredation light)

then getting a set of leads i have:


you can get it all in one package but my above links work out a bit cheaper

and the full version from their own website or here

it will work on most fiats alfas and the like it will allow you to also do proxi alignments (cures flashing milage) usually
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you pay your money and take your choice.

I also have FES installed on the laptop I use with my gas analyser, invaluable for troubleshooting but it's more of a faf setting it up when all you want to do is reset the light. The SP tool works with all of my cars and it's a one button solution.

You need to decide what, realistically you want to be able to do with whichever tool you buy and buy the most appropriate one.
Would I ever need the extra complexity of the FiatEcuScan software if my main need was to simply reset the service and oil service messages?

You never know for sure what you might need in the future. FES would appear to offer more functionality (and perhaps better future-proofing) than the other alternatives, for the same or slightly less £££. If you connect via bluetooth, you could even get by without having to invest in a laptop, providing you can get your existing computer within range of the car. But before buying anything, do get confirmation from the software author that it will reset the oil degradation counter in the 500 and find out exactly what lead you will need to do this.

There's another, altruistic reason for going the FiatEcuScan route. This project offers real hope of freedom from FIAT's attempt to lock us in to expensive maintenance and IMO Yani deserves all our support. If all of us on this forum pool our knowledge and experience, owners will have real alternatives to the dreaded words "if this occurs, take the car to your nearest franchised dealer".
JR - after rereading Jason's thread, I suddenly became aware that his elm connector was bluetooth.

Which means that I can perform the whole process from my desktop pc, which is in a room adjacent to my drive. I didn't realise before that I could do this, and thank you for bringing this to my attention.

It makes the Math a lot more appealing for FES!

Now as soon as a user on this site confirms you can use FES to reset both oil service and degradation lights, I will seriously consider buying.
You never know for sure what you might need in the future. FES would appear to offer more functionality (and perhaps better future-proofing) than the other alternatives, for the same or slightly less £££. If you connect via bluetooth, you could even get by without having to invest in a laptop, providing you can get your existing computer within range of the car. But before buying anything, do get confirmation from the software author that it will reset the oil degradation counter in the 500 and find out exactly what lead you will need to do this.

There's another, altruistic reason for going the FiatEcuScan route. This project offers real hope of freedom from FIAT's attempt to lock us in to expensive maintenance and IMO Yani deserves all our support. If all of us on this forum pool our knowledge and experience, owners will have real alternatives to the dreaded words "if this occurs, take the car to your nearest franchised dealer".

If I have the software 'up and running' with the cables that Andy (& Jnoiles) had listed it would have 'saved' me a fruitless trip out to the dealer this morning. A lot of us are pretty savy and it should be with the capablilities of a number of us who are not afraid to 'lift the bonnet'.