General Fiat 500 VS F1 Ferrari

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General Fiat 500 VS F1 Ferrari

Mar 27, 2013
Queens, New York

Unless you're the same guy that used to run Ricambi ebay shop here in the UK a few years ago, this isn't your picture :p

Fine to start a thread with your pictures in it, but put some accompanying information with it - the thread title makes it sound like a race, which it's clearly not. Also you could easily have put all of the pictures into a single post, rather than artificially inflating your post count by posting them individually.

Just some suggestions, nice pictures but some might consider it spam if they have no bearing on anything :)
Yes, I'm Toto, I used to run Ricambi Fiat 500 over in the UK.. I'm currently expanding my business in the USa. I'm located in Queens, New York.
If anybody needs any advice on the classical fiat 500, I'd be glad to help.

Many thanks and excuse my ignorance I'm new to this site.

Forgive me for my late reply, Ive been very busy answering emails and restoring some cars. Without a doubt, I'll try my very best. If you have any queries about the Fiat 500, I'd be more than glad to help out. Free of charge.
[email protected]
My personal number is 3477772068

Many thanks again, Toto.