South West New Forest 500 Meet

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South West New Forest 500 Meet

New Forest 500 Meet
Posted by yellowluigi
New Forest
Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 01:00 AM
Until: Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 04:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
I got home at 6.20 in the end, after much delay due to a lorry fire on the A31 that then caused a 3 car crash in my direction! Idiots slowing down to be nosey :bang:

It was a great day though, I'll upload the photos when I get some free time.
I know - I saw that lorry go up in flames!! Scary it was:eek: Got held up only for 5 min or so, but hubby (who left a bit later) got stuck for 20mins... I guess you were held up even more Lloyd...

Big thank you to Kirsty and Mark for another organisation of a brilliant day (and for coffees!!!) It was great to see both 500c AND Abarth present. The lunch was huge as I remembered although I have to admit it did give me a bit of trouble later as I had to gulp it down due to demand of my children (hubby behaved for a change!:D) Never did try Paris Breast tho...;)
Nice to meet a few friendly people. RedBubble, Lloyd and Mel were great company on our table that took ages to get desert!

Shame most had left before we got a chance to pop outside, so only got a couple of pics of people that stayed until 3pm! (y)


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I know - I saw that lorry go up in flames!! Scary it was:eek: Got held up only for 5 min or so, but hubby (who left a bit later) got stuck for 20mins... I guess you were held up even more Lloyd...

I was stuck in it for about 45 minutes, as soon as we had passed the accident it was fine, it was simply people rubbernecking that was slowing the traffic down as all of the lanes were open!
Kirsty and Mark, and of course Luigi, thanks for a lovely day out, your hard work is much appreciated.

It was good to catch up with you all, and nice to meet some new friends:wave:
Can't believe I missed this - it would have been great to see some other 500 owners :cry:
Some of my photos from the day;










I've also got a nice side shot of Tracey's car revealing the large patch of her door that was missed during cleaning :p
Thanks Lloyd for directing me to this page. It was a type of day out both myself and the hubby much needed. Recharged our batteries, Thank you for everyone for making us so welcome.

Great photo's everyone(y)

Mark and Trudi and 'Baby'