Technical Mystery part

Currently reading:
Technical Mystery part


Apr 12, 2017
I have finally got round to putting the new interior in and collected the sill plates and centre console from the shelves PLUS a mystery part that I do not recognise but which may have just been there and belong to something else.

It is a half tube with lugs on each ends.

Anyone guess what it is?

It is about the correct length to cover the wires from the dashboard to the rear of the car as they pass beside the L/H/D seat under the carpet, excpet that the lugs stop it from doing that neatly. Before i cut the lugs off and use it for that purpose and so ruining possibly the only one in existence, please will anyone who knows "pipe up" now and tell me what it is for on the 500L or that it has nothing to do with the car!

Many thanks



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It looks a little like the cover for the rod that goes under your feet on a right hand drive throttle pedal.
That is what i wondered at first but its a left hand drive L. I took the interior apart over 18 months ago and had numerous "interruptions" hence the memory failing.

I should have taken a measurement but I estimate it to be two foot long. I have postponed reinstallation pending solving this mystery.

The electrical cables run alongside the left hand seat under the carpet but i fond were gaffer taped down.

I was disappointed also to find that the sill carpet retaining trim and the console were held in by an assortment of mismatched self tapping screws and yes, chipboard screws. I suppose I will have to rationalize them with several trips top the hardware store unless there is a pre-formed kit.....
