
Meet Toshimichi


Meet Toshimichi - Pajero Mini

Toshimichi - a 2002 Mitsubishi Pajero Mini
660cc 4-cyl Turbo, auto :slayer:

Built on the same platform as the Mitsubishi Minica to comply with Japans strict 'Kei' car regulations, those of you who play Gran Turismo will no doubt have seen the Keis featured heavily in the early stages, and will have probably driven an Alto Works, Kei Works or even a Minica.

To get an idea of size, check these pictures out:

So Toshi's been sat for a while after TB4 got back on the road.

Just went to fire him up and noticed this:

As the revs dropped though it got a lot worse:

The camera is a bit crap but basically every little tick you hear is a visible spark, do we reckon plugs or leads?
if you can see sparks then yes.. I would think its more like the HTs but may as well just change both... I assume you tried taking that one off and pushing it back on a few times just to check its not come loose.?

edit: just watched second video, blatant sparking
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Re: Meet Toshimichi - Pajero Mini

Yeah sounds like the kind of thing you would suggest ;) I love the revvy little engine, I really do, but when it's hitting 5.5-6k rpm, and struggling to get past 55mph uphill it's a bit disheartening, especially after driving Molly! Gonna get yellow back on the road soon I think, and then decide between that and Toshi which I want to keep, I'm leaning towards keeping Toshi 'cos I kinda feel I've gotten all I wanted to out of the Sei now... but I need to keep it until next summer at least for Stanford 2016 ;)