legality of manuver

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legality of manuver

am I been bad?

  • its perfectly fine if you don't cross hatchings

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  • as long as no one sees you

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Jun 30, 2007
In a house
just wondering how legal it is for me to skip a right turn

from far left, to bottom red line is regular but it can take 5 mins on wrong changes of lights
alternative when quiet is to skip and do a uie and a left


  • road.jpg
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not sure if you was driving drunk or explaining it drunk :chin: :p

everyone else is waiting in a queue but you follow the red line? we don't have them red lines around here on our roads so no idea what they are for :devil:

i voted number 4 because you drive a ford any way
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Will you be driving on the major road that goes from top left to bottom right? And from your description you want to turn right to travel in the direction of the bottom of the image frame.
Dave will be glad to know just describing drunk .

the major road, and turning right off it. but the lights take 5 mins to cycle.
and very often no cars for 1 min at a time

yes beard to confirm
It can often be frustrating when a busy junction has lights phased for quiet times. Using any alternative route from the designated and expected ones increases risk, so should be handled carefully.

If you are in a lane with directions in it, such as an arrow, failing to follow that route could result in a ticket for failing to comply with a traffic sign, or at least a lengthy discussion with a policeman. So if choosing to go ahead and then do a U-turn, as long as you are using the ahead lane, there are no issues there. Anyone arriving in an ahead lane, then realising they need to turn right would likely do a U shortly after the junction.

Doing a U-turn is only illegal if there are "No U-turn signs". Such a manoeuvre must be carefully considered though, as, if it results in a collision, you may be prosecuted for careless driving.

Other traffic that notice what you are doing may get annoyed with you. We are a nation that likes orderly queues, but easily annoyed by queue-jumpers.
If your actions encourage others to do the same, it will quickly develop into silliness when busy. I have seen a similar situation where the crossroads is blocked by a queue, all waiting to do their U.

If the crossroads operates adequately at quiet times, consider writing to your local traffic department at the council, outlining the problem, and asking if the lights can be set to phase differently at rush times. Be polite and clear, keep emotions out of the letter/email. It is likely that the traffic department have only ever visited at quiet times.

Is there an alternative route you could take?
I'd go for an alternative route and just go around the lights completely if it's a time concern.

Your plan relies on both oncoming lane being clear, and the lane behind you - or else you'll be sure to annoy someone or get hit.
Besides; if you get seen by the police or an accident does occur, you could be in trouble. :spin:
Just used Google Translate. Instead of filtering in the right hand lane and wait for the traffic and lights you undertake the line go straight across do a illegal U-turn over a painted traffic island and turn left using a contraflow lane from the opposite direction.

If you've done it once I wouldn't do it again, especially if there is cctv at the junction or any one of the vehicles you jumped ahead of has a dashcam' and you're already on YouTube.

If you were to get caught by the Police you have one of two options.

1/ Blame the Sat' Nav'. You'll probably get a verbal warning and the time you saved would be wasted while the officer runs your details, searches your car and basically makes a point of it while the drivers of the vehicles you undertook all beep their horns point and laugh at you.

2/ Suggest the town planners are bunch of idiots and the traffic light sequencing is wrong. A polite chat or six point for careless driving and up to a £1,000 fine depending on the officers sense of humor and if they are on target for that month. Could also be a roadside penalty, three points and up to £100 fine for whatever contravention of the road traffic act doing a U-turn over a painted traffic island is.

If you have been reported for the maneuver previously and it comes up while the officer is doing his/her checks you are looking at Due Care and Attention. CD10, up to six points and if the Magistrate was in the cue of vehicles you undertook bend over and lube up for a big fine.
