Be sure the issue is not due to a faulty boost pressure sender. Remove the turbo, complete with the catalyst. There is probably no need to separate them. Ensure no dirt enters the turbo, especially the oil inlet. Refer to header picture for part names. Check the wastegate hose for damage or splits. Disconnect the hose from the compressor housing. Blow into the end. If air flows, the diaphragm in the can has failed and you need a new turbo. If the pipe and the diaphragm are intact, use a footpump with a lilo inflating adapter to pressurize the actuator. The rod should move by 15 psi. Don't put too much pressure on it as you will rupture the diaphragm. If the rod does not move, or it moves out and not back when the pressure is released, it is sticking. Don't worry if you find oil in the hose.
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