General Which Oil is Best for Stilo Abarth

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General Which Oil is Best for Stilo Abarth


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Anglesey,North Wales
Hi All,
Does anyone know what is the best oil for the Stilo Abarth? 10w60? 10w40? 0w40? im even more confused after reading some forums on here.

Please help as my dip stick in bone dry:(
But I warn you there will be as many opinions as there are responders....

Haha, true. It's like asking what butter is the best for a piece of bread.

I can start the rolling stone with my opinion:

Worn and oil drinking engine: Thicker oil, synthetic or semi-synthetic.
New engine: Thin oil, fully synthetic.
Engine running in cold climate needs an oil being thin when cold.
Engine running in hot climate needs an oil staying thick when hot.
I live on Anglesey N.Wales and it does get a bit cold in the winter but nothing too serious. The car has done 42000 and has a full fiat service history
Just read some of the service receipts and found that fiat has been putting in castrol magnatec 10w40 for the last few years, which is not what selenia oil recommends (10w60)
After draining the oil out and taking the filter off(which was easier than i expected) I went to halfrods to get some oil and was told by an old wise man that worked there that i should be putting in mobile1 0w40.

Came back home with nothing and still confussed, but maybe thinking that a thinner oil would be ok as i only drive about a mile and a half to work as the oil would heat up quicker.

What do you think???
I live on Anglesey N.Wales and it does get a bit cold in the winter but nothing too serious. The car has done 42000 and has a full fiat service history
Just read some of the service receipts and found that fiat has been putting in castrol magnatec 10w40 for the last few years, which is not what selenia oil recommends (10w60)
After draining the oil out and taking the filter off(which was easier than i expected) I went to halfrods to get some oil and was told by an old wise man that worked there that i should be putting in mobile1 0w40.

Came back home with nothing and still confussed, but maybe thinking that a thinner oil would be ok as i only drive about a mile and a half to work as the oil would heat up quicker.

What do you think???
Never heard my engine quiter than it is now with Mobil 1 New Life 0W40 (y) I used Mobil 1 Peak Life 5W50 but it was really noisy and I could hear my hydraulic lifters in the morning.. and it was also noisier when upto temp
I bought the car about 2 weeks ago and when i checked the dip stick on that day im sure there was oil on it, but when i checked it 3 days ago the dip stick was bone dry. Thats when i decided to give it an oil and filter change.
But!!!!! After i bought a 5 litre jar(mobile1 0w40) and putting more or less all of it in, (the car takes 4.7 litres) it's again not registering on the dip stick.

What do you think??
The dipstick on the Abarth engine is notoriously unreliable. You must be on absolutely flat ground and leave about three minutes after switching off the engine before checking the oil level.
mine is pretty reliable.

My Abarth is drinking >0.5L for every 1000km on Mobil 10w40. but I have a leak, so, who knows
Emptied what i had left in jar(about a mug full), and it's now showing right on full on the dipstick. As for the oil, i think its superb, the engine sounds so quiet and smooth. Thanks for all the help everyone. (y)(y):):)
Unbelievable, I have been keeping an eye out on my oil every week or so and well as already stated in this thread the dipstick in the 2.4 is deceiving and so I found this out for myself this morning.

I needed oil urgently so I could not permit searching around for a good deal on selenia 20K and a delivery, the local halfords store was my option. I opted for the Mobil super 2000 x1 10W40 semi synthetic oil and will be using it for top ups until the next service is due.

Just wanted some point of views, has anyone used this particular oil before? any downsides?

I have used both Castrol and Mobil products before but not the semi synthetic brands.
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Unbelievable, I have been keeping an eye out on my oil every week or so and well as already stated in this thread the dipstick in the 2.4 is deceiving and so I found this out for myself this morning.

I needed oil urgently so I could not permit searching around for a good deal on selenia 20K and a delivery, the local halfords store was my option. I opted for the Mobil super 2000 x1 10W40 semi synthetic oil and will be using it for top ups until the next service is due.

Just wanted some point of views, has anyone used this particular oil before? any downsides?

I have used both Castrol and Mobil products before but not the semi synthetic brands.

Never mind :mad:....

Out of panic and worry I chose to follow the advice in the user handbook as a safe guide to buying my multigrade oil. After getting back home today and doing some Forum research, it has already been established that the Selenia 20K 10W40 oil that was recommended in the user handbook is no longer the recommended oil for the 2.4 as the so expensive selenia racing 10W60 grade is now the recommended oil for this engine.

1 -

2 -

Even Mobil recommend the 10W60 oil multigrade for the 2.4 engine (both links need the details of the car filled in)


And Castrol too


I suppose for the top ups until the engine has a full service the semi synthetic 10w40 oil will be fine but I just wish I had not bought 6 ltrs of the stuff, this would not have happened if the stupid ****y dipstick did its job in the first place lol
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I needed oil urgently so I could not permit searching around for a good deal on selenia 20K and a delivery, the local halfords store was my option. I opted for the Mobil super 2000 x1 10W40 semi synthetic oil and will be using it for top ups until the next service is due..

That's kind of cheap for your lovely abarth now isn't it? :p

My father used to use that because he had a head gasket leak and didn't make any sense buying expensive oil because it was losing about half a liter per week anyway. Truth is it made the 1.8 worse. It wouldn't stall or anything but just didn't pull right. After changing it with Mobil 1 something, don't really know which one, the engine really blasted into life.

I personally use Selenia oil and it runs like a dream, although it is slightly noisier than my fathers. Anyway, although almost identical cars, still could be many other things making my engine noisier.

What Morty said should be the only thing taken into consideration. Almost all oils are good and the engine runs fine on all of them. Only time can tell whether it does any damage or not to the car.
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That's kind of cheap for your lovely abarth now isn't it? :p

My father used to use that because he had a head gasket leak and didn't make any sense buying expensive oil because it was losing about half a liter per week anyway. Truth is it made the 1.8 worse. It wouldn't stall or anything but just didn't pull right. After changing it with Mobil 1 something, don't really know which one, the engine really blasted into life.

I personally use Selenia oil and it runs like a dream, although it is slightly noisier than my fathers. Anyway, although almost identical cars, still could be many other things making my engine noisier.

What Morty said should be the only thing taken into consideration. Almost all oils are good and the engine runs fine on all of them. Only time can tell whether it does any damage or not to the car.

Lol I suppose it was better than the Halfords own branded products my friend :) believe me, that stuff they sell as part synthetic oil is cheap and nasty s*** as I learnt a few years back....

Reason I went for semi synthetic was because as per guidance of the handbook before I did some Forum research, the guide stated Selenia 20k for the 2.4 which is a semi synthetic 10W40 multigrade oil. I also did not want to run the risk of mixing oils around as I have only owned this car for 2000 miles or so and no point in spending money on more expensive oil until it is fully serviced in a few months time.

The engine should be fine, I am not a 24/7 rag racer and do really look after this red beast as I love it too much. I will be changing to either the Selenia/Mobil 1 10W60 oil grade as this is what is recommended now for the 2.4 and I kind of know why it has been changed, other alternative is the Mobil 1 New life 0W40, need to look in to this a little more, I have used Mobil1 0W40 before and it is good stuff, it cured my old diesel engine of a long existing problem within a day of topping up, it is good stuff.
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Mobil1 0W-40 is the dogs danglies. I swear by it.
I am not sure Mobil 1 0W40 (New Life) is the best oil a man can get. But when it first appeared it was instantly approved as a factory fill for Porsches, Mercedes and some others I can't now recall. It also has the best specs compared to any other oil i.e.:
Total Base Number (TBN) - 11.3
Viscosity Index - 186
HTHS Viscosity @ 150Deg - 3.7
Sulfated Ash - 1.2
and most importantly it carries the
FIAT FIAT 9.55535 - M2
FIAT FIAT 9.55535 - N2
FIAT FIAT 9.55535 - Z2
In comparison Selenia 20K is a pretty mediocre semisynthetic oil, yet again according to its specifications, i.e. it has a viscosity index of just 150 and they don't even provide information about high tear high shear viscosity which is pretty important for a performance engine, or the phosphorus amount, total base number (the oil additives - anticorrosion, anti-acid etc.). The same applies to the 10W60 Selenia unfortunately. Again that's what the spec says, I've never opened an engine after 400 000km with Selenia
Cant decide which oil to get for my new 2.4 engine... mobile1 5w-50 or maybe some selenia performer 5w-40.. i live in austria where it gets quite cold during winter so i guess I won't go for a 10w-x :S