whats lead worth, scrap value

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whats lead worth, scrap value


this is where i stand
Oct 8, 2003
anyone know? removed about 70kg of the stuff from the house today. anyone roughly how much per kg is worth?


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from that site i make it 97.5p..

1kg = 2.20462262lb

1lb = $0.87

so 1kg = 2.20462262 x 0.87 = $1.91802168

which is £0.975

it probably changed, it did it twice while i was getting that quote :p

it started out at $1.something then went to .8something
yup, 80p per kilo is what the local copper thieves get when they gut out derelict buildings etc.

£1.50 a K is what they get for good quality copper, £1 for stuff with shards of insulation still on it :rolleyes:

met quite a few copper thieves as I've been going about my latest hobby....


and I did A LOT more of cherry knowle last week, visited on two days, second time three of us, we scared the sht out of two copper thieving kids down a underground service duct, they thought we'd come to beat them up for their copper:rolleyes: and now I know how much its worth, i should have, could have done with £50:worship:
lead people, not copper. the plumber had the copper. barsteward. he just couldnt be arsed climbing under the floors and ripping out the water and gas pipes like i could!
I did A LOT more of cherry knowle last week

ah good old cherry knowle, all the least stable people i know have had at least 1 "vacation" there, some of them went back 3 times. i dont see how it helps to stick a load of drug addicted persistent youth offenders in the same building together? recipe for mayhem. mental health my arse, its a plastic prison, well it was, is it still open?
The London metal exchange has it down at $2.07 per kilo which is about £1.30 per kg

70kg equates to about £91 but you'll probably get less once the scrap yard factor in their cut