Whatever Next ?

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Whatever Next ?

KoArAnG said:
every kid must break an egg sometime in their life surely.

Heaven forbid when one of today's 'rainbow sheep' molly-coddled youngsters does break an egg. They'll need counselling for the abhorent horror of it, and all paid for by the tax payer.
PNL said:
Well people its not just sheep that have had the makeover :D now how many of you remember the hartlies jam Gollywog now there was a total ban on the production and use of this little chap you could save up the paper sticky ones and then when you han enough send them in to claim a metal one to stick on your coat or jacket but again the hyerachy in westminster decided it raciast and he was with drawn (n)

to be fair, I can understand why they've done that one... just like in thomas the tank, the gollywogs aren't allowed to be in there cleaning out the coal room or whatever the hell it was they did... i still think it's a load of pc tosh, but it makes more sense than this damn nursery rhyme rubbish
Mrs Liam works in a Nursery and she is baffled at this reasoning but now it is "Baa Baa Wolly Sheep" for the kiddies now.

For me not to take it seriously I see it like Marathon>Snickers and Opal Fruits>Starburst IYKWIM.

"Baa baa unspecified-colour sheep, have you any wool".
Personally I find that insulting to sheep with damaged vocal chords.... :rolleyes:
charlieboy said:
does this mean jack and jill will have to be changed due to the possible sexual innuendoes (sp?) contained within it? :rolleyes:

never thought about the sexual connotations, but how about "Ali & Jill", so as not to be ethnicly imbalanced... or variations on Jill & Jill and Jack & jack so as not to include any sexual reference, but variation so it's not biased towards one sex over the other...
PNL said:
Well people its not just sheep that have had the makeover :D now how many of you remember the hartlies jam Gollywog now there was a total ban on the production and use of this little chap you could save up the paper sticky ones and then when you han enough send them in to claim a metal one to stick on your coat or jacket but again the hyerachy in westminster decided it raciast and he was with drawn (n)
i remember black kids at my school getting called gollywog n golly n wog, so i understant that one, but they could have re-named him phill or some thing.
dave said:
i remember black kids at my school getting called gollywog n golly n wog, so i understant that one, but they could have re-named him phill or some thing.
looks like a black and white minstrell...

does that mean that al jolson would be ostracised, no longer aloud to play "mammy" on the radio?
I do find "golliwogs" pretty bad, to be honest. I don't think that to be black is a prerequisite to being able to spot when something is distasteful. The name has come to be a derogatory term and the image itself is a pretty vile caricature spawned in a bygone era we should all seek to learn from.

It's one of those things that there really isn't any need to perpeptuate - it's not like we all feel some massive cultural attachment to the, or that they are part of our roots. As a child they were mildly iconic on jam jars and stories but fortunately we've moved on.

I put them in a very different league from the 'black sheep' nursery rhyme. I think common sense should be employed by those who make such decisions.Not calling a 'blackboard' a 'blackboard' while calling a 'whiteboard' a 'whiteboard' is a prime example. PC gone double standards.

Apparently the school in question has done it for reasons of 'activity' i.e. to make it an activity rhyme where they can change lots of words. Apparently the reporting bias has perhaps made more of it than there is.

The humpty one though - ridiculous. Did anyone ever lose any sleep over that?

For more info etc. on golliwogs (interesting reading - particularly the Enid Blyton part) - as you can see, very much of its time.