What tools to buy?

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What tools to buy?

Ended up getting tools from machine mart

1/4" Drive Ratchet and Sockets

3/8" Drive Ratchet and Sockets

Set of Metric spanners

3 pairs of vise grips

Drive adaptor

Maybe I forgotten something but all delivered for £80, should be able to tackle anything with them.

Thanks to Rob and others for their advice and suggestions.

sound like a good start, my mummy bought me a tool box with tools when i got my uno, proved very useful, only think is now the marea needs alot more specific tools not just sockets :(

and i've lost my bloody 10mm socket on the marea! i searched for ages but i cant find it, i had it on my wrench undoing the exhaust manifold head sheild then i was gone :((n)
custard boy said:
sure its not stayed on a bolt when you have been undoing/tightening it?

i thought that but i know i removed the first one and had to battle to get the bolt out then i put it back on the wrench and couldn't access the other one as the air con pump is in the way so i dunno where it is, i took it off the wench as i then went and did somthing else :confused:

just ordered my ribe set aswell so i can get the head of now (y)

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