General What fuel keeps your Abarth feeling Happy, Sexy and Gorgeous ? ?

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General What fuel keeps your Abarth feeling Happy, Sexy and Gorgeous ? ?

Oct 19, 2006
Hey all,

Just curious on whether you guys have specific type of petrol in mind when feeding the beast?

A few years back there was a post on here regarding which was the best fuel for most of the Fiats back then and the consensus was that Shell Fuelsave/ V-Power followed by Jet Premium Fuel. These seemed to work best for the little Italians compared with the Supermarket jobbies and also kept a little longer in the tank. Albeit some of the main companies eg BP , supply supermarkets with their fuel, just rebranded.

So is Shell and Jet still the clear winner?

Or is there a shift now on the ideal fuel for the 500 Abarth? What sort of performance are you getting and mileage? Is there a noticeable power difference? Is it fuel efficient than other brands but maybe lacks power of a main competitor? Or is there an all rounder you’d recommend? Curious to know as I’ve had mine for only two weeks so far ?
Cheers guys!???
I had 4 Abarths, all the standard versions

The first two I put any fuel in and when we had the 3rd one it had the same 140BHP engine, the first having 135 and fourth 145BHP

When we got number three, I decided to use V-Power to see what the difference was between the two.

I couldn't detect any improvement, I certainly wasn't getting any extra mileage compared the Sainsbury's fuel. Performance-wise, no difference.

After a couple of months or so I gave up paying the extra went back to Sainsbury's and the fuel consumption improved!

That's my own experience, maybe a Tourismo or Comp in a higher state of tune gives a noticeable difference
I had 4 Abarths, all the standard versions

The first two I put any fuel in and when we had the 3rd one it had the same 140BHP engine, the first having 135 and fourth 145BHP

When we got number three, I decided to use V-Power to see what the difference was between the two.

I couldn't detect any improvement, I certainly wasn't getting any extra mileage compared the Sainsbury's fuel. Performance-wise, no difference.

After a couple of months or so I gave up paying the extra went back to Sainsbury's and the fuel consumption improved!

That's my own experience, maybe a Tourismo or Comp in a higher state of tune gives a noticeable difference

Quite possibly then it’s these more modern engines making the difference? Certainly with the Mk2 Punto HGT, If I used a supermarket petrol it always tended to feel sluggish. Put Shell or Jet in and it would be more responsive!

I guess I’ll do on trial and error and try different companies fuels, draw a conclusion from there ???
Ideally you want to use minimum of a few tankfuls. The first one will be a mix of whatever was in there before.
I used to run a supercharged MX5 (242bhp) that was mapped for v-Power, and it didn’t like changing fuels.

I had a 100HP a couple of years ago and carried on running V-Power in that for 6months but didn’t really notice any benefit.

Just bought a 595 Yamaha Factory Racing and sticking with normal fuel.
Suspect get bit more torque at 10mph in 2nd and about 2.1 % more power if Fifth Gear test accurate. No more than that.