General Went to quick fit today to see if they did a back box for my sisley!! guess how much?

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General Went to quick fit today to see if they did a back box for my sisley!! guess how much?

Jan 9, 2010
100 pound fitted? is this correct guys? Please let me know if you have had a new rear silencer fitted recently? no one seems to do one? I know bosal do one?

Thanks guys,

Glad i walked away!! just ridiculous?? I will check if the bone head behind the counter meant full system even though i said back box only!!

Ok i will be honest rung around today and most exhaust places are quoting 100 pound for a 4x4 rear box fitted!! Hmm. :bang:

Wonder how much a stainless steel version would cost?

Worried the old pipes have welded them selves together with corrosion? will have a look but your right i could probably manage it.

Back box fits over middle pipe so remove C clamp if you have access to small angle grinder cut two slits down the neck of the back box that has been pushed over the center pipe. Prize split open you have made with old flat bladed screwdriver. WD spray into split back box should twist off now.If not cut another nick in it to the neck to break the surface area down between it and the mid section pipe. Buy a quality back box they last much longer and you get that nice exhaust ring that only Sisley appear to have(y)
Back box fits over middle pipe so remove C clamp if you have access to small angle grinder cut two slits down the neck of the back box that has been pushed over the center pipe. Prize split open you have made with old flat bladed screwdriver. WD spray into split back box should twist off now.If not cut another nick in it to the neck to break the surface area down between it and the mid section pipe. Buy a quality back box they last much longer and you get that nice exhaust ring that only Sisley appear to have(y)

Im really considering a stainless system Allen, im gona keep this sisley along time and i don't want to worry about silly priced re fabricated thin metal exhaust pieces.

Going to get a quote this week. Want to keep the new stainless pipes looking as oem as possible, no max power lookalikes for me.

If you think thats steep you should see the price of a downpipe including catalytic converter on the ePER catalogue.

Ok ePER isn't cheap to start with, and new catalytic converters are generally quite expensive as it listed the price as.... £600!!!!!!!!

thats like twice the cost of my current panda! :D:D:D