Off Topic Tragic news

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Off Topic Tragic news

thanks guys. i just noticed when i was uploading the pictures of fallouts rear shocks that my dads bike was not in the garage so i must have taken them on the day it happened.
theres a small artical in a news paper about it here. we was told how the CSI guys think it happened today.

he always said that if he was to go in any way, he wanted to go riding a bike.

he wanted a motor home and to travel all around when he retired. i just hope that where ever his spirit is now he has got the best damn motor home ever known. he wanted to be so free to go anywhere.

sorry guys. FF is not the place for this. but thanks..

thanks guys for being here for me. Fiat Forum has become a big part of my life, and i am happy to be a part of it. all of you guys make this a fantastic place to be. thank you all so much for making it what it is.

if ever i get on my feet i promise to make a considerable donation to the forum.. no cash can repay for what the forum has brought to me.

Thank You All,
Really sorry to hear about that dude, i've kept up with all of your work here and on Youtube. If you ever need any help i'm sure you'd have practically everyone on here to lend a hand!