Technical Swap immobiliser and keys?

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Technical Swap immobiliser and keys?

Yes not intrested in the rev counter the data to it sent via canbus, it a good indication, but isn't reliable

We need to see if the ECU is reading the crank position sensor
Here's my car starting with no rev counter showing

Kicks in after the body computer has rebooted

I use

the rev counter as a guide, quite a bit

But I can't be relied on, once you suspect a crank sensor you have to go to the ECU direct
When i had the plugs out and sitting on the engine and tried to start i got 1 orange spark then nothing but when i did the coil pack check i got nice crisp whity blue sparks

Is this a clue?

Does it fire the coils 1 at startup and if no revs are seen it doesnt try again?

Are there other sensors i can swap and check ? ( done the cam and crank)
No RPM signal no spark

How's the immobilizer light behaviour

Connect mes to the body module and check the key is read

You had a working car

Something changed as you charged the battery

Ground and power is the most likely

I be surprised if it was anything serious

Let's look at the dash start sequence again but this time without the battery charger messing up the results
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do i need one of the coloured connectors to connect to body control?

I can connect fine to engine but get an error when trying to connect to body

Not if it's an ELM 327 interface but does need to be the full version

Well thats what it says on there website it but I haven used MES in years, hopefully I have read it correct

Yeh its an elm327 and can access the engine fine

It is the full version of mes too

I have taken another video of starting

Slow flashing lights are the camera


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In the engine section of mes there are values for engine start etc

And i recorded what they do as i try to start it


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This is the mes error i get when i try to access body but same setup lets me access engine


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That's good it's telling you there is a network communication error, I forgot if it need an adapter it will tells you

Whether is a fault with your ELM327,the software or genuine, I can't say at this stage

The last one, yesterday turned out to be dirty fuse and the nut in the corner of the fusebox, in the engine bay

We found that by accident because while watching the ECU voltages there was a random drop of 3.5V which put us in the right area
Same mes error when i try to connect to my other cars bcm
I not an expert in multiECUscan as I don't use it

But if it connects to the ECU module that does not use the canbus

It sounds like you have the wrong resisters in the interface, very common

First check with ELM compatibility tester on the app store or Google play if all is okay

Then it's fairly simple to modify to work, normally just removing a resistor is enough

Well its now running but im very confused

But a big thanks to all who helped.

1 wouldnt start when i got it, turn the key and all dash lights up but when you start , nothing, no click from solenoid no dimming of the dash

2 put a jump lead from battery -ve to cam cover . Started immediately

3 alternator seized so took it off and freed it off and reinstalled and started perfectly still using jump lead

4 fitted a heavy bit of battery cable from inner wing earth lug to a bolt on the cam cover

5 didnt try starting it , went home

6 in the morning i went in to start and starter fired up lovely but no spark, then all the tests we talked about on the thread.

7 put jump lead back on from battery -ve to cam but still didnt start

8 then this morning i went back to the beginning. Took off the earth i had installed, put the Jump lead on and it fired up!!!!!!

What the!!!!!

Put on a different earth lead direct from bolt at battery post to the bolt on the cam and it has started perfect ever since.

Why does the wing earth bolt kill the spark? When its running and i put my failed earth lead on it still runs but wont start if i leave it there.

Im fairly car ( admittedly mostly pre odb but manage to keep my post obd cars running too) and tec savy and cant get me head round this one

Anyone able to explain?


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I will start with the simple stuff first

The blue interface cable will not connect to the body computer this needs to be canbus

The blue cable is KKL only

An elm327 will do both the KKL and canbus

I have one of those KKL cables they work very reliably, by flipping the switch you can connect the the airbag module and a few others
Everything has to be at the potential ground point to work

If the body computer is 0 to 8 volts while cranking

And the ECU is 0 to 11:volts while cranking

And both 0 are the same there isn't a problem starting

But if the.

If the body computer is actually 3 to 11 volts while cranking

And the ECU is 0 to 11:volts while cranking

Some sensors are only using 2v these will not work