
Some Pro Pics of my coupe!








What you think? :confused:
You obviously havn't seen my car theres not one scab guaranteed,Aint a pannel beather your job? i would hope your car is clean! and is as mint as yours possibly even cleaner underneath than yours, and ive got lower milaege whats that on your 3rd or 4th engine rebuld? (6k) and yours wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding he he do you have different laws around your way, as i thought the highest speed limit is 70mph in the uk?, your losing money every minute and im gaining Not at the price i got this car for pal ;) , i bet youv'e lost 2k trying to find vauxhall friends What do you mean trying to find vauxhall friends? good luck with your everyday boring run of the mill you see everywhere car Well if i wanted to drive around in a 15 year old boy racer car dont you think i would have one (y) Ant! three have drove past me as i'm typing this thread Dont see many uno's around now do we, i wonder why?

please relax mate and just agree we like different things.

Me - nice modern reliable cars

You - 15 year old tin cans
I see Vauxhall have copied much of the Fiat Coupe Dash, yet they are years apart in original design. Is it the Fiat was ahead of its time, or are Vauxhall still stuck in the early 90's?
Bloke next door has one. Traded his whoefully unreliable MGF for exactly the same car. Got to say it looks too plain for me, but a nice car non the less.

I see Vauxhall have copied much of the Fiat Coupe Dash, yet they are years apart in original design. Is it the Fiat was ahead of its time, or are Vauxhall still stuck in the early 90's?
Bloke next door has one. Traded his whoefully unreliable MGF for exactly the same car. Got to say it looks too plain for me, but a nice car non the less.


Thanks Pal, they are nice cars, the dash is nice and simple and easy to use and does not cause me any problems
took your time there! i could hear you ticking from here, what do you mean what you paid for it your paying £45 a week for it ha ha, and no its not had 3 engine builds, and is one of only 150 uno turbo's in the country not one of 5500000 same old same old boring uneventful driving experiance car but you probably work in an office with girls and its rubbed off, and going through my history trying to find dirt well ha ha!! Me rare old italian sports car you BORRIINNGG everyday run of the mill not special at all apart from the seats! havn't you got the hint yet Ant! taste my exhaust fumes HA HA!!!
took your time there! i could hear you ticking from here, what do you mean what you paid for it your paying £45 a week for it ha ha, and no its not had 3 engine builds, and is one of only 150 uno turbo's in the country not one of 5500000 same old same old boring uneventful driving experiance car but you probably work in an office with girls and its rubbed off, and going through my history trying to find dirt well ha ha!! Me rare old italian sports car you BORRIINNGG everyday run of the mill not special at all apart from the seats! havn't you got the hint yet Ant! taste my exhaust fumes HA HA!!!

Are you 17 years old? :confused:

Why is it so hard to belive i paid cash?

I am not going to argue pal, you like yours i like mine, what happend to all the other uno's? did the rust away?
Hello Fiat owners.

The photoghraphic studio who took the pictures was...
Ariane Photographic Studio
off Lichfield Road Industrial Estate

Sorry but I don't have their telephone number but I'm sure if you search yell or BT you'll find it ;) . Speak to Paul or Chris there and mention Astra Owners Club and in particular me (jam).

They are able to do 6-7 cars per day, as setting up some of the lighting for the cars can take up to 45 minutes because you obviously wouldn't want any reflections of the lights on the cars (n) . It was all done very professionally and I can say right now that they are amazing at their job and the machines and women they have photographed just turn out so excellent on camera and thats before editting. (y)

The photos Nick has posted up are the uneditted ones I should point out.

Thought that would help guys & gals.
Are you joking? becuase an uno?, if you think people would prefer your uno over a nice Astra that is very tidy, you really need to pull your head out of your arse mate. :confused:

This is coming from a punto driver!


Could allways look like this init.

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as i work for vauxhall i have a few things to say lol

1, the balance between new engines and repairing headgaskets are actually quite even. the reason why people choose engines over fixing it is because after labour and parts costs the exchange engine is actually cheaper.

2, the value of coupes doesnt actually drop that much to be honest unless they have high mileage or are in a right state but thats the same as any other car.

3, the picture of that white uno has clearly been restored with resprays and stripped out to be sorted..so obviously it wasnt in great condition if that was needed and yeah the uno is no sports car..a "hot hatch" yes but no sports car..there is a difference.
Hello Fiat owners.

The photoghraphic studio who took the pictures was...
Ariane Photographic Studio
off Lichfield Road Industrial Estate

Sorry but I don't have their telephone number but I'm sure if you search yell or BT you'll find it ;) . Speak to Paul or Chris there and mention Astra Owners Club and in particular me (jam).

They are able to do 6-7 cars per day, as setting up some of the lighting for the cars can take up to 45 minutes because you obviously wouldn't want any reflections of the lights on the cars (n) . It was all done very professionally and I can say right now that they are amazing at their job and the machines and women they have photographed just turn out so excellent on camera and thats before editting. (y)

The photos Nick has posted up are the uneditted ones I should point out.

Thought that would help guys & gals.

i really would like to get this done, but tbh for me, that is too far north... 4 hours from where i am...

i might speak to them anyway, as if we get more cars, they might be more economical with the price :p

even if i can get it for £50, fir me at least, it'll be another 50 worth of petrol...
what happend to all the other uno's? did the rust away?
They are in the same place as all Vauxhalls from the 1980's. Out of the hundred of thousands of Vauxhalls that were once on our streets, amazing how little of them survive today!! So much for calling Fiat rust heaps. Iam in the motortrade, and boy did Vauxhalls rust. Nova hatches around rear and front inner wings were rusted through after only 2-3 years old. Same with Cavaliers around arches and inner arches. Rust buckets. And that cr*p 1600 diesel they used which was based on the petrol engine. A piece of junk.
I love ecotec engines today. Riddled with electronic problems, and they have next to no torque, so you need to rev the b*lls off them to get any performance out of them. Oh and the fibre tensioners on the cams are a joke!!
mind you, i have a Vauxhall Omega 2.5 Elite, and its a brilliant car, and very very underated. Drives superb and handles as well as any BMW can. Excellent chassis and was the bases for the Monaro.

Nova hatches around rear and front inner wings were rusted through after only 2-3 years old. Same with Cavaliers around arches and inner arches. Rust buckets. And that cr*p 1600 diesel they used which was based on the petrol engine. A piece of junk.

I was rooting around my mates Corsa C the other week trying to figure what ECU sensor was throwing a wobbly. Its frankly astounding how badly corroded the suspension strut top caps were given the age of the car (damn bad rust on an 01 plate)...
tis true vauxhall throw so much electrical stuff into their cars its unreal, being in parts i should know. tech2 gets abused to find faults so much.

to be fair most things rust quick now a days. one of the salesman at work had his rover streetwise (godawefull thing it was) on the ramp and it was a 55plate and jesus the fuel tank was covered in rust front to back. actually felt unsafe to stand under it incase it went lol
Not everyone pays for their car on finance... I paid for mine with cash (10K).

It is quite easy to save with a well paid job and no mortgage.

Nice Astra by the way (y)
Hello Fiat owners.

The photoghraphic studio who took the pictures was...
Ariane Photographic Studio
off Lichfield Road Industrial Estate

Sorry but I don't have their telephone number but I'm sure if you search yell or BT you'll find it ;) . Speak to Paul or Chris there and mention Astra Owners Club and in particular me (jam).

They are able to do 6-7 cars per day, as setting up some of the lighting for the cars can take up to 45 minutes because you obviously wouldn't want any reflections of the lights on the cars (n) . It was all done very professionally and I can say right now that they are amazing at their job and the machines and women they have photographed just turn out so excellent on camera and thats before editting. (y)

The photos Nick has posted up are the uneditted ones I should point out.

Thought that would help guys & gals.

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