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Savage Tint Spray

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Savage Tint Spray

PuntoKing said:
I sprayed on another coat on my rear light and they have kid of gone a wierd white ish colour...

any ideas on what i should do?

TCut them. Same happened to mine.
the one that you posted i found in a shop for 2 quid haha

sorted now im just redoing them :D yey
mine have gone bloody white in a few places :mad:

im gonna have to strip em and do it agin now :bang:

any ideas why its only in one or 2 spots and not all over like before?
ill run and get a photo now... mite not be that great as its kinda dark now

hmm... ill have to take it all off again but i cant be arsed doing it right now so ill leave it for a few days

1 mo for the photo...
thats similar to what was on mine except more of it was covered in white. tcut took it away and gave them a nice shine
Hell thts strange, are they dry now? and you did do them off your car didnt you? You need to make sure they're clean id say and spray them off the car in a warm environment, do a light coat at first, look across it with a light at the far end and check for any imperfections, them do a coat double that, and double that again and it will turn out nice, and hopefully without whites. Thats how i do mine and our customers:



PuntoKing said:
yeh mine were all white so i used paint thinners and took it all off... now im trying to do it again and that happened... they used to look like this


another question... I lost the screw thing that is used to hold the lights on any ideas what I can do untill I find one to buy?

Yeh bang a big enuf washer over it and wang a nut over the end

and yes i took the lights off to spray them... its wierd isnt it.. it only came up after the second coat.. i did a light coat 1st and they were fine and then after my 2nd coat that happened