General Roll call for Punto cabrio owners !

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General Roll call for Punto cabrio owners !

I would agree with that sentiment, particularly as they didn't make a cabrio version of later models. I am currently restoring a mk1 Renault 17 TS, which is far better than the mk2 version (Google it if you have never heard of one). I also have a mk1 Jaguar XK8 which I much prefer to the post 2006 version.
missey! there you are! I emailed you and posted on the forum - where you been? The car is beautiful, fitted the new hood, half way through changing the interior to the classy grey velour from the old ELX90. Rebuilt the head - 2 valves burnt. Gone through 2 MOTs not needing anything, except now too smoky, at 140k. Sitting in the garage 6 months, soon going to get a 1368 bottom end and 6sp box, under the rebuilt head/top end. Pleased you're still at it.
ok since this is a thread for Punto Cabby owners I thought I would ask in here what I need to look for when buying one, the weather is turning nice and I have always fancied one.

Are there any common things I need to watch for???
My beloved Cabrio :D


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PandaLounge, thats a lovely looking one !

Mariocinq, this is the first one ive owned, so i cant really comment on bad spots, but certain parts are unique to these cars, so if trim etc is missing that could be an issue. Floor pan for rust, and then i suppose obvious things, rips in the roof, rubbers.....

I believe that there is less than 200 on the road in the Uk.
I used to own one (a red N reg 1.6), lovely looking car, just never got it on the road with one thing or another. Ended up selling it to another Fiat fanatic who i believe broke it for an x19 turbo conversion and sold the rest on for spares.

Sad because if i was as confident back them with mechanical stuff as i am now, i'd have got ripped into it in the end, but i needed it gone when i was losing storage, super rare now :(
Hey folks. Newly registered on the forum. I got me a Punto cabrio a few weeks ago. It runs ok but need some work. The body needs a respray but is actually rust free which is good for 20-year old motor. Had it checked over at my local auto centre and found it also needs a lot of replacement parts. Any suggestions for a good source of spares are welcome.
Heres mine

really need to get a better pick now both the wheels match!
My avatar is the rebuilt engine fitted in her.
Looking very Nice Missy ,

Nice to see more people popping up on here........ we are a Rare breed indeed.

Fostertom, i will ask ben if we can have a section.......
Hello again.

I've bought another cab but at least the engine runs in this one.

Must get that working before I buy another.

Only 76k miles on a p. plate must be a bargain at £400. White with a white roof, that will be black soon. Has anyone used a vinyl dye?

I'm going to swop the wheels from the black one onto it, white wheels on a white car, good or bad?

Now the problem is, the windows don't work, any ideas?

I've pulled the relay and swooped it for the one out of my black one, still nothing.

The motor in the door clicks when you operate the button but can't hear the relay, if I disconnect the motor I can hear the relay clicking away.

Any ideas? It seams like a short on the motor but how do you get it out?

I tried it today stripped both drivers door to see the one working and the other not but it looks like you have to take the motor and drive out as one, does anyone know an easy way?

I did think of unscrewing the motor off the drive body to see it it's that but thought I would ask first.

Thank you in advance.
