Firstly RIP Tony, as a very new member I didn't know you but anyone who is happy to spend their time helping others deserves to be remembered fondly.
Very trivial by comparison I know, but I posted a few weeks ago about a rattle from the front offside brake caliper which I fixed with ties shown in the image above. There were earlier posts from others a while ago talking about rattling noises from loose front pads. Well the noise slowly returned so I took the caliper apart again. Turns out the noise is from a combination of issues. Firstly, the pad spring clips on my car don't really get compressed that much by the caliper which is meant to push down on them to stop the pads moving. Secondly, the edge of the piston which pushes the inner pad against the disc is very close to the pin which runs through the centre of the pad's spring clip. In other words the piston is just meant to push on the back of the pad but actually seems to also make contact with the pin which secures the spring clip into the pad. I'm thinking that maybe the pads in my car aren't made to the tolerances they should be, and maybe in other cars too.
So if you have a rattle from up front that you can't pin down, take each wheel off and look in to the caliper towards the pads. You can see where the piston meets the inner pad, and if the piston looks too close to the centre pin which secures the pad's spring clip then that may be where the noise is coming from. I filed the pins down slightly on that side (not too much!) so that there is now a definite gap between spring clip pin and piston, and the noise is gone. Again. Hopefully for good this time! And I removed the ties I'd fitted earlier.
If none of this makes sense then have a look and hopefully you'll see what I mean. I should have taken a pic while I was under there but didn't. Don't assume that such a minor issue couldn't make an annoying rattle, it was much louder than you'd think.