Rabbit help?!

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Rabbit help?!

you should be getting his injection/s every 6 months at the vets, weigh him then
Yep he gets those (although I thought it was every 12 months... do have the memory of a sieve though...) I still don't think he's ever been weighed but the vet always says he's healthy. He's getting on for 11 years old now though, aged bunny :)
Injections every 6 months :confused:

What for out of interest?

mixi every 6 months and vhd ever year, there is a new combined injection that does both and is yearly buy i am waiting to see if anyone has a problem with that before i try it, it dont work out any cheaper and it means rabbits will be missing out on a health check. my vet don't charge extra to give them a check over when they go for a jab, ears, teeth, heart beat, feel for blockages, check weight, check feet, check bums....
Our rabbit is on the annual injection but can't really comment how effective it is as he's not really in a high risk group, with him living in the spare room and spending most of his time round the house and not being a fan of outside.
I've been told by somebody who's had + has LOTS of rabbits, that the mixi jabs are like "tetanus in humans",
once you've had a few , the immunity is there and additional Jabs are unnecessary,

any thoughts on this..?,

rubbish, bloss was about 5 yo and had her injections every 6 months, she still got mixi and would have died if she hadn't have been having the jabs