Rabbit help?!

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Rabbit help?!

Jan 2, 2011
Looking to you dave on this one..
As I left work last night, I saw a little brown shape by the door, I saw it was a baby rabbit. Poor thing looked freezing but it was shuffling about and looking active, I assumed it was a tad lost and left it to go find its family. Got to work this morning and it was tucked up into the corner more and looking rather chilly. Its not moved more than 6 inches in 12 hours but it feels warm to the touch and its breathing. Should I move it or find sonewhere for it to keep warm inside, ( shoebox with some straw/water?)

My rabbit doesn't like carrots, he won't eat them....

See I told my rabbit, that although he is bugs bunny coloured, and obviously a rabbit he doesnt have to conform to stereotype...however he didn't listen and so will eat an entire carrot without coming up for breath...
He does have carrot related ocd tho will only ever start at pointy end, never the middle or the thick end and if you turn it round while he is eating he'll move to the pointy end...little weirdo...
See I told my rabbit, that although he is bugs bunny coloured, and obviously a rabbit he doesnt have to conform to stereotype...however he didn't listen and so will eat an entire carrot without coming up for breath...
He does have carrot related ocd tho will only ever start at pointy end, never the middle or the thick end and if you turn it round while he is eating he'll move to the pointy end...little weirdo...
Quite the contrary in my case, my little dwarf rabbit will skip over at the sight of food, give it a sniff an promptly turn around and bugger off. Isn't interested at all.
Quite the contrary in my case, my little dwarf rabbit will skip over at the sight of food, give it a sniff an promptly turn around and bugger off. Isn't interested at all.

Ah my rabbits 8.5 pounds so on the chunky side of chinchilla rabbit...although he's an adopted rabbit so not sure if he's an American breed (bigger) or just fat..:eek:
Thanks for the help and the general rabbit banter :p if hes hanging about in the morning, gonna put some water/straw/lettuce down for him and see if he eats :) theres plenty of rabbit holes about, might just place him near one and hope for the best :)
I would be inclined to say that if that rabbit has been in your garden for 24+ hours, has made little attempt to run away in your presence and has barely moved from one reasonably sheltered spot in the last 12, there's a good chance it'll be dead by morning, either by the cold, hunger or by foxes.

Looking at that photo, it can't be older than 3-4 weeks old. And you can't feed a baby rabbit (wild or otherwise) just anything. Just greens will likely go through it, I imagine it would still have a partially milk based diet.

IMO, the best thing foodwise would be to see if it would take some Complan, with a bit of grass, maybe a little hay (it can be used as a bit of bedding as well); I used it for every guinea pig litter I bred and it was brilliant stuff for them.

Do you have any animals/pets?
I have an English Spot Rabbit *Bobbie* who is an indoor rabbit she is on the long and chunky side being 11lbs she eats everything that is put on here feeding tray but her favorite food is fresh grass and dandelions.
