Technical R reg punto running out of water but not leaking!

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Technical R reg punto running out of water but not leaking!


New member
Aug 17, 2012
I hope someone can help! <br />
The temperature light on my r reg punto 60 came on a few weeks ago. I checked the water and it was nearly empty. I filled it up to max. Since then the light has been coming on on and off and I'm having to fill it up with water every other day! It is 100% not leaking (unless it leaks as I'm driving?!) I also don't think it's an air lock as the heater blows out warm. I don't know if it is head gasket as there arent any other signs to suggest that it's on it's way out. I havent really noticed if the fan kicks in lately either - when should it kick in? This car doesnt have a temperature gauge just a warning light.Also just lately I've noticed a crackling noise when I accelerate. I don't know how else to describe it other than how you sound when you need to clear your throat!! Please can someone help! Thank you.
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Hi Amy, welcome. I am not a mechanic but if you cant see any leaks and you are topping it up all the time, it doesn't sound good. Is white smoke coming out of the back when revving or is it leaking onto the exhaust as you drive so you don't see leaks when you stop. Check the oil to see if it doesnt look right, white creamy stuff in it as I understand?
Thanks very much for your replies guys! My reasons for not thinking its the head gasket are ;
No mayonnaise stuff in oil
No white smoke out of exhaust.

Could be dripping onto exhaust that's definitely a possibility. My boyfriend is going to check all under car tomorrow and see.

Still no sign of fan kicking in after driving on motorway (1 junction) and then about 20 mins of 40/60 mph roads. Should it have kicked in? Would that even have anything to do with coolant?
Think it's going to need a mechanic to diagnose it for me
Ahh thanks everyone.
Think it's definitely head gasket then. :-( so annoying as this car has been brill up till now!
Wish I didn't even need a bloody car!!
Thanks again.
Do check. Likely causes of seemingly invisible water leaks are water pump and water rail O ring. Often you can only see them if the engine is running and up to temperature (and you crawl underneath).

But, compression test, and try and work out why the HG went in the first place -- fan failure, water pump, thermostat. Skim!
Ok so my dad just took it to a garage. Head gasket is definitely gone, they could see what was happening with the water (too technical for me). Exhaust is blowing too (I did notice the noise but thought it was maybe something to do with water getting into it) something's also wrong with the clutch too - dad noticed it and asked about it. So I'm definitely getting a new car as its worth about £600 and I don't want to be spending loads on it. I am a mobile hairdresser and do a lot of miles so I'm going to get something a bit newer. Thanks everyone for your help and I'm sorry for being a dumb ass about cars!
What you going to get then Amy? What you planning with the Punto :confused:

I will sell my punto but be honest about the problems and hopefully get a couple of hundred for it. I'm going to have my mums fiesta for the time being. It's very low mileage, a few years newer, power steering etc. I do love my punto it was very reliable but just very basic. Everyone's very friendly on here too!
Sometimes cheaper and more reliable to fix it. When you get a new car (even brand new) you get issues all over again. Its not what its worth on the open market as a sale its what it worth to you in reliability and enjoyment, also you dont worry so much with an older car in someone scratching it ;)
Sometimes cheaper and more reliable to fix it. When you get a new car (even brand new) you get issues all over again. Its not what its worth on the open market as a sale its what it worth to you in reliability and enjoyment, also you dont worry so much with an older car in someone scratching it ;)
Oh yeah I'd never get a brand new car unless I won the lottery! Going to have mums fiesta for now and just see what happens might stick with it.