I hope someone can help! <br />
The temperature light on my r reg punto 60 came on a few weeks ago. I checked the water and it was nearly empty. I filled it up to max. Since then the light has been coming on on and off and I'm having to fill it up with water every other day! It is 100% not leaking (unless it leaks as I'm driving?!) I also don't think it's an air lock as the heater blows out warm. I don't know if it is head gasket as there arent any other signs to suggest that it's on it's way out. I havent really noticed if the fan kicks in lately either - when should it kick in? This car doesnt have a temperature gauge just a warning light.Also just lately I've noticed a crackling noise when I accelerate. I don't know how else to describe it other than how you sound when you need to clear your throat!! Please can someone help! Thank you.
The temperature light on my r reg punto 60 came on a few weeks ago. I checked the water and it was nearly empty. I filled it up to max. Since then the light has been coming on on and off and I'm having to fill it up with water every other day! It is 100% not leaking (unless it leaks as I'm driving?!) I also don't think it's an air lock as the heater blows out warm. I don't know if it is head gasket as there arent any other signs to suggest that it's on it's way out. I havent really noticed if the fan kicks in lately either - when should it kick in? This car doesnt have a temperature gauge just a warning light.Also just lately I've noticed a crackling noise when I accelerate. I don't know how else to describe it other than how you sound when you need to clear your throat!! Please can someone help! Thank you.
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