Quaife ATB/LSD for Cinq/Sei,GP,Panda...

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Quaife ATB/LSD for Cinq/Sei,GP,Panda...

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Given that my crownwheel sounds like it will be bonded in an 03 Seicento 5 speed gearbox, as far as I know I need to get hold of the same parts (but specifically for the Sei?) as Lewey but with the addition of :

46753068 - RING GEAR (Part 5 in the "Diff Pic")
Availability: - Product orderable
Further Description - RAPP 57/16
Family: BB05 - CROWN GEAR
Listed price: 90.59 GBP
Weight (grams): 1400
Price including taxes: 106.44 GBP

As shown in the pic (taken from an 04 copy of the ePer).

I've just finished putting the parts from my old car onto the new one so now I want to get my arse into gear, having just moved house I've still not been able to get my spare gearbox apart yet - Gotta' check the availability sometime soon & then find out where I can get it fitted.

Assuming I'm guessing right, which of the parts drives the crownwheel from the "drive pic"?

Part turned up today after paying about £140, £50 of which apparently is non-refundable :cry:

I have only NOW established that it is not as simple as sticking a crown wheel straight onto the diff, I should have re-read the thread rather than rushed & assumed the parts guy would notice if I got it wrong!!!

I've just checked Eper. the Cinq diff is still used in the Panda,500 and Punto. It's the same casing across the whole range. The bearings are even the same. The only difference appears to be ratios, which is why you couldn't fit the Cinq diff into the 100hp box. The 100hp is 14/57, and the cinq is 15/58.

I have now established how the description matches to the outer diameter on my crownwheel & I had not realised (or remembered) that this would be an issue.

I believe that I need to use one from a Punto Nuovo Punto BZ 1999-2003...

7676165 - RING GEAR
RAPP 58/15 (= an outer diameter of 15cm)
Availability: - Product orderable
Family: BB05 - CROWN GEAR
Discount code: H
Unit of measurement: Num
Listed price: 158.59 GBP
Weight (grams): 1900

I paid in full without taking the diff to compare it in complete relief that it had bolt holes so wish me luck when I try & insist that they swap it.
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RAPP 58/15 (= an outer diameter of 15cm)
Is that correct? Is the issue that it does not fit inside the diff case or doesn't fit to the diff?

Pretty sure 58/15 refers to the ratio (3.87:1). I assume it means the crown wheel has 58 teeth and will mesh with a 15 tooth pinion in the box. In this case you could solve with a new pinion/shaft.

Eper has "RAPP" written beside the 58/15 reference , which is short-hand for "rapporto", meaning ratio.
Is that correct? Is the issue that it does not fit inside the diff case or doesn't fit to the diff?

Pretty sure 58/15 refers to the ratio (3.87:1). I assume it means the crown wheel has 58 teeth and will mesh with a 15 tooth pinion in the box. In this case you could solve with a new pinion/shaft.

Eper has "RAPP" written beside the 58/15 reference , which is short-hand for "rapporto", meaning ratio.

The one I bought was 57 teeth & had an outer diameter of 16 cm?

I would have guessed that it was the ratio of teeth to diameter?

The inner diameter is about a cm too large to fit & the bolt holes don't match meaning I can't physically bolt it to the diff

I guess that this means I need a 58/15 not 57/16?

Anyone know for sure?
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Right. I've just taken the time to type the part numbers in your post into ePer and they are both for different gearboxes and neither of them are the correct box. Can you confirm what part number you ordered and what it says on your part if it is different?
I would have said you were right that 58/15 57/16 was the final drive ratio.

I measured the 58/15 bonded in my box & it is definately a coincidence that the 57/16 I bought measured 16cm diameter, as the 58/15 is more like 17cm across.

I'm stumped now - does anyone have a decent suggestion for which crownwheel I can buy that will both bolt onto my diff & fit in my box?

Alternately if it is correct that the part numbers starting with 4 are bolted then 46810249 is a 58/15 D5416 & if I buy that & re-use the crownwheel I believe it should fit, but this worries me as it seems all Seicentos are bonded so would a replacement part be bolted??

Or if I order a punto crownwheel that has the right ratio of 58/15 the same as my original one does anybody know if it will have the same outer diameter?
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I bought...
46753068 - RING GEAR (Part 5 in the "Diff Pic")
Availability: - Product orderable
Further Description - RAPP 57/16
Family: BB05 - CROWN GEAR
Listed price: 90.59 GBP
Weight (grams): 1400
Price including taxes: 106.44 GBP

Without realising that it looks to be the wrong Seicento box? :bang:
It's the wrong part as you say, which explains quite a lot. I still believe that all suitable (i.e. for the right gearbox) boltable crown wheels will fit on all boltable diffs. The relationship with the pinion is the bit you need to watch out for. You need the right combo.
Part turned up today after paying about £140, £50 of which apparently is non-refundable :cry:

I have only NOW established that it is not as simple as sticking a crown wheel straight onto the diff, I should have re-read the thread rather than rushed & assumed the parts guy would notice if I got it wrong!!!

I have now established how the description matches to the outer diameter on my crownwheel & I had not realised (or remembered) that this would be an issue.

I believe that I need to use one from a Punto Nuovo Punto BZ 1999-2003...

7676165 - RING GEAR
RAPP 58/15 (= an outer diameter of 15cm)
Availability: - Product orderable
Family: BB05 - CROWN GEAR
Discount code: H
Unit of measurement: Num
Listed price: 158.59 GBP
Weight (grams): 1900

I paid in full without taking the diff to compare it in complete relief that it had bolt holes so wish me luck when I try & insist that they swap it.

Now know that 7676165 isn't the right part at all - as Lewey pointed out it is for a 1.8 Punto (haddn't spotted that when I wrote the post).

The only one I can find in my old copy of the ePer is the complete bolted diff assembly for a 1108 Sei 46810249 is a 58/15 D5416 & if I buy that & re-use the crownwheel I believe it should fit but this is £400 - does anyone with a newer ePer know a part # that I can use to order just a crownwheel on its own?

If not I'm going to have to buy a £400 diff for what should be a £150 part :bang: :cry:
OK chaps, have seen on eof these diffs for sale, question is....

Does the 1.2 Fiat 500 have a bonded or bolted crownwheel?
There isn't an answer as there haven't been enough of any one box taken apart to form a proper picture. Early boxes are the source of confusion and are generally bonded. However, general theme seems that after 2003 anything is likely to be bolted. I have a 5-speed 2003 Punto Mk2b box and a 6-speed 2007 Grande Punto box, both of which are bolted (neither for sale, sorry).

For God's sake, don't go an buy a part without checking you can return it first. If you have seen "one" for sale, then get a picture and that will reveal all.
For God's sake, don't go an buy a part without checking you can return it first. If you have seen "one" for sale, then get a picture and that will reveal all.

If people are buying a part from FIAT, I have found out that Research FIAT can order parts on a "try before you buy" basis that they use in the workshop so although I think I've lost my £50 deposit for the first part, I can size up the next one on the counter without commiting the ca$h first.

I've ordered parts incorrectly before and my local FIAT place just sent them back without fuss, so I think they are a bit hard-lined where you are going although they probably don't get orders for crown wheels very often!
I don't think it helped that I probably appeared very confident that I was ordering the right thing the 1st time & that when it had bolt holes I paid in full there & then without realising it was more complicated than that!!! :eek:

I measured the 58/15 bonded in my box & it is definately a coincidence that the 57/16 I bought measured 16cm diameter, as the 58/15 is more like 17cm across.

Measured the outer circumference of the bonded crown yesterday & it is pretty much spot on 53.5cm so I now know that if the crownwheel fits on the diff, has the right ratio of 58/15 & the outer diameter is correct then hopefully I should be fine :)
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