Technical Punto mk1 Fuel Filter Removal

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Technical Punto mk1 Fuel Filter Removal


New member
Sep 4, 2002
United Kingdom.
Hi all.

Umm, does anyone want to give me a pointer on how to remove the fuel hoses from the fuel filter? I have a new filter to go in, but for the life of me I just can't work out how the hoses disconnect from the old one. I thought that a bit of a tug might work, but no joy. There seem to be some push clip thingies, too, but pushing/pulling those didn't seem to do much. (One broke off!) So I thought I'd ask here before I do any more damage.

I've taken a photo of the situation, which hopefully should be attached to this message, so if anyone wants to scribble notes on it and post it back, that'd be much appreciated!

(It was a week of renewals last week: new alternator, thermostat, oil filter, oil, air filter, sparks, coolant, and a couple of new hose clips. But this fuel filter thing has really foxed me!)



  • fuelfilter.jpg
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Hi bjw,

Did this job recently because of rusting filter.

You might find that first undoing the filter clamp makes things a bit easier. I had to saw through the clamp because the screw had seized up.

To disconnect, you just push in the push clip things, hold 'em in real good while pulling. Try twisting the pipes as you do this, to release any gunge sticking the connections together. Have a practise on the connector that's not broken, then you will see how they work.

Once you get that one off,

deal the one thats broken, you may need to use a small screwdriver to push in what's left of the tab. Tricky!

If you manage this ok then fitting the new filter is easy, just push the connectors onto the ends, they snap into place.

I used heavy duty tie wraps to hold the filter, to replace the metal clamp I sawed off, at least they won't rust.


just had a good luck at your pic and noticed you already have a tie wrap holding the filter on. :eek:

Had another thought as well. Be careful not to tug on the pipe leading from the fuel pump to the filter as the pump is plastic and it's possible to snap the outlet pipe off. :)