PS3 + gigabit issues

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PS3 + gigabit issues

Nov 4, 2003
okay so i had a bit of stuttering streaming an HD movie
had a look at my set up and noticed the myrouter to PS3 connection wasnt running a full speed (lights go orange on gigabit)

tried manually setting the PS3 to 1000/full duplex instead of auto
however doing this caused the PS3 to fail to get an IP address (though i see the router flashing orange as it tries)
setting it to auto means the PS3 doesnt select gigabit speeds however gets its IP address and works at non GB speeds
tried manually setting the IP address on the PS3 but it still doesnt get gigabit

im running cat 5E cable via a an edimaxrouter

Edimax BR-6574N WiFi Gigabit Broadband Router: Electronics & Photo

the PC runs gigabit and is working fine on the router
in total i have the 360,pc and ps3 connected via cable
a laptop and HTC mobile via wifi
sounds like an auto-negotiate issue between the PS3 & Router.

are you able to set the router port to 1000/full?

if you can, also set the ps3 to 1000/full, if you have DHCP issues after, assigned a static address outside of the DHCP scope of the router.

never heard of the brand before so quite hard to offer direct advice.

if it still fails, can any other devices run at 1000mb? if they can, test the ethernet cable, it may not have been crimped properly or may be damaged.

whats the point of having all you geeks on tap if you dont give me answers :confused:

Maybe you didn't get enough reply's cos you didn't post in the right geek sub-forum? :p

I'd say, try using the cable that you get gigabit on the PC with on the Puss3

If that doesn't work, it's probably like the HDMI cables and you need CAT6 and not CAT5... :rolleyes:
right well got a chance to look at this
swapped over the 360 and ps3 cat5E cables
while i was messing about i did a soft reset on the PS3(holding power for 2 beeps)
and i seem to now have gigabit again :D
i couldnt go back to non gigabit as its so much slower vs the gigabit set up
so any PS3 users who stream. iwould go for it if you can