From my understanding what's happened is because I was part of a family gold membership:
The last update changed how this works so instead of having 4 accounts getting full membership with one payment, it's now any profile on one xbox gets the use the full membership.
So because I shared the family membership with brothers spread over the UK and not in one house; only one of us now has the member ship while the rest of us are without
As Above, finally got confirmation, due to new console the family pack membership has stopped. hence my paid xbox live stopped while payments continued
Latest is that when trying to pay (again) for membership I have to wait to be emailed a security code. Not a bad idea to try to ensure that you are who you say you are i guess.
Sadly the time it takes for the code to come though, it has now expired on the website...
Clearly MS is trying to stop people spending money on XboxLive i like it.:bang: