Received your 'original' BM module this morning......I put in quotes ORIGINAL as it cannot be the original if your car is a 2013 model as the module was not produced until 2014 according to the dates on the labels.......
So quick question.........has this module ever worked for you in the car or have you purchased the car knowing it had a faulty problem with the Blueandme...........the reasons I ask is clearly the module has previously been opened as the labels have been pulled away to split the casing......
Then when you look at the circuit board it is not exactly the same code as that on the casing and is an earlier number but still carries the later gen2 code..... this label has not been tampered with so I would assume is the original.......
Obviously all this is acceptable if previous problems have occured and modules shipped off for repair it would be quite logical to just install a complete circuit board as very few have the ability or equipment to change the tiny microchips which is definitely a specialist to even identify a faulty microchip and doubtful such a repair economical........
We have checked the pin alignment and all is good non bent damaged or oxydised. The circuit board also shows no sign of dampness which we have found on 500's where they are mounted in the rear wheelarch..
So the module I suspect at some point has been previously looked at inside and tested with no opportunity of a repair due to an electronic failure...........
The unknown is have you also been sold another faulty unit........it needs someone who has a 500 and the
MES gear to proxy it and try....that said a 500 module is a pain to access and remove......
I will send your module back Monday...........
@OBOQ...........I have sent you the files to see if you can extract your BMConfile