Technical Power steering punto 1.8 active sport 04 last call?

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Technical Power steering punto 1.8 active sport 04 last call?

Jan 16, 2020
My punto is at the very start of its heavy steering saga. When I bought it 2 months ago it had been stood a while with algae on crevices and really damp steaming up cabin and water in spare wheel well. I replaced battery, fixed leaks and checked what earth points/connector from motor to ecu that I could find.
The heavy steering has happened twice since on cold mornings either immediately when turning under load, two minutes later when driving straight and slowing for lights, and once when stationary at traffic lights.
My question is: Could this be purely a dodgy wire/connector and not the dreaded torque sensor/column replacement scenario?
If so, any pointers to possible culprit wires/connectors/earth points would be most appreciated ??
On a cold morning the alternator is working harder to recharge the battery after the starter has to turn the engine against the thicker oil.. Alternator could be on the way out. If you can monitor the battery voltage when this situation is happening it will help you fault find the problem.
Cheers! What's easiest way to check alternator? Buy a cheap multimeter? Is it big job to replace with new or used and what's the next stage if alternator is ok
Yeah, check the alternator would be my thoughts too.
What happens after a drive out? If you go full lock to full lock does the light come on?
Mine used to do that and it was a combination of alternator on its way out and the battery being duff, once both of those were changed the steering light hasn't come on once.

Not much use at the moment as they've shut due to the virus but Stoneacre has some NOS columns for £80
To check an alternator a cheap multimeter will be fine.
Put it across the battery without the ignition on, the battery should be reading about 12.5ish volts.
Now start the car, a good alternator should be pushing out around 14volts. If it's less than say 13.5 then the alternator is on its way out.

guide here to check:

It is an easy job to change, a bit fiddly but nothing to drastic, guide here:
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Battery is brand new and after a drive turning lock to lock doesn't put light on or make steering heavy
Thanks for the info on the columns. Wow that's cheap! Hope I don't have to go that far and it is what looks like the original 16 year old alternator. Could it still be just a corroded connector from the alternator to the battery? If so which ones could be suspect?
To check an alternator a cheap multimeter will be fine.
Put it across the battery without the ignition on, the battery should be reading about 12.5ish volts.
Now start the car, a good alternator should be pushing out around 14volts. If it's less than say 13.5 then the alternator is on its way out.

guide here to check:

It is an easy job to change, a bit fiddly but nothing to drastic, guide here:

While I'm checking could I check the actual voltage at the motor without causing damage?
If you mean checking the voltage directly from the alternator, you could but I'm not 100% sure which terminal it would be. Checking it at the bettery is the best place as that is where the charging needs to get to. If you aren't getting over 14.5 volts at the battery when the engine is running then the alternator would certainly need changing.
I got mine from back in 2017. I got a brand new unit, not a recon, can't remember how much it was but is was a very good price.

And for your wiper issue, try these clips:
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If you mean checking the voltage directly from the alternator, you could but I'm not 100% sure which terminal it would be. Checking it at the bettery is the best place as that is where the charging needs to get to. If you aren't getting over 14.5 volts at the battery when the engine is running then the alternator would certainly need changing.
I got mine from back in 2017. I got a brand new unit, not a recon, can't remember how much it was but is was a very good price.

And for your wiper issue, try these clips:

I meant voltage reaching the pas motor or ecu
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Oh, if you do end up bying an alternator you'll need the info off the sticker on it, this is the sticker that was on my old one:


Thanks. If I did check the voltage at the motor and voltage at battery was 14.5 this would mean dodgy wire between right?
Now that I really am not sure about. The Alternator should output 14.5ish but I'd like to think there is voltage regulation to keep the voltage down to a normal level so even if you did check at the steering motor it wouldn't show 14.5 but I'm not 100% on that.
If the voltage was low at the motor all the time then you'd be experiencing the red light and heavy steering all the time.

We've had two Puntos in out family, one was an '02 MK2 and I had to replace the steering column as the light was on and off pretty much all the time.
I've now got a MK2B, I had intermittent issues where the light would come on after full lock. A turn off and on of the ignition would clear it. I've since replaced both the battery and alternator and I've not had a steering issue since (2 years and counting).
Now that I really am not sure about. The Alternator should output 14.5ish but I'd like to think there is voltage regulation to keep the voltage down to a normal level so even if you did check at the steering motor it wouldn't show 14.5 but I'm not 100% on that.
If the voltage was low at the motor all the time then you'd be experiencing the red light and heavy steering all the time.

We've had two Puntos in out family, one was an '02 MK2 and I had to replace the steering column as the light was on and off pretty much all the time.
I've now got a MK2B, I had intermittent issues where the light would come on after full lock. A turn off and on of the ignition would clear it. I've since replaced both the battery and alternator and I've not had a steering issue since (2 years and counting).

Thanks for all your help. Multimeter should arrive tomorrow to check alternator ?
If you mean checking the voltage directly from the alternator, you could but I'm not 100% sure which terminal it would be. Checking it at the bettery is the best place as that is where the charging needs to get to. If you aren't getting over 14.5 volts at the battery when the engine is running then the alternator would certainly need changing.
I got mine from back in 2017. I got a brand new unit, not a recon, can't remember how much it was but is was a very good price.

And for your wiper issue, try these clips:

OK the plot thickens. Turning lock to lock doesn't affect the voltage 14.1v
During the recent dry warm weather the steering hasn't failed once. Yesterday I washed the car and the weather turned cooler and today it rained while I was driving. The steering light came on and heaviness returned several times requiring ignition off to reset. The last time I was driving and turned ignition off coasting then started up. Dash light stayed on with continued heaviness. Pulled over and switched ignition off and on. The pas light stayed on but steering was fine driving five miles before going heavy again as I pulled up. Ignition off/on again and no light on dash or heaviness.
Could it be water getting under dash to electrical connections?
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Mine used to do that and it was a combination of alternator on its way out and the battery being duff, once both of those were changed the steering light hasn't come on once.

Not much use at the moment as they've shut due to the virus but Stoneacre has some NOS columns for £80

Thats nice and cheap isnt it.. :)

Is it all you need though.. or 'bare'?

Strangely my PAS dumped again today

Food shop trip.. same as last time :(

Last time was stone cold.. 3 point turn..

But this time motor was at least warm..
coasting into carpark.. hard left dropped out

Almost certainly battery power(capacity) as its a little one ..from our 1.1 seicento .. ;)

OUR old 1.8 did this too.. was the alternator output at fault... :eek:

but I dont think youve truly ruled out the battery.. or cables yet?
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Thats nice and cheap isnt it.. :)

Is it all you need though.. or 'bare'?

Strangely my PAS dumped again today

Food shop trip.. same as last time :(

Last time was stone cold.. 3 point turn..

But this time motor was at least warm..
coasting into carpark.. hard left dropped out

Almost certainly battery power(capacity) as its a little one ..from our 1.1 seicento .. ;)

OUR old 1.8 did this too.. was the alternator output at fault... :eek:

but I dont think youve truly ruled out the battery.. or cables yet?

Battery is new. Which cables?