Parking ticket help!!

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Parking ticket help!!

So you think that you can get round parking on a street with double yellows by simply hopping on to the pavement? Good lord, why didn't anyone else think of that? :rolleyes:

You shouldn't have parked where you did, and it's cost you. Pay up and learn from it. To my eyes you're 100% in the wrong.
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if its totally in the wrong then they should have put obstruction on the ticket with out the word "unnecessary"

if you were a care worker with set time per client and nearest other parking is a 20 minute walk away, you could put it to the magistrate that it was necessary.

if you was just popping round a mates to play xbox then it wouldn't be necessary so you lose
As other have said, seems legit to me. I done similar in Liverpool, parked fully on pavement as double yellows, pavement was wife enough to still get a double buggy safely down the side so wasn't being inconsiderate so to speak. I got ticketed and just put it a one of those things. Was only £30, not worth wingeing about IMO.
So you think that you can get round parking on a street with double yellows by simply hopping on to the pavement? Good lord, why didn't anyone else think of that? :rolleyes:

not at all, it's not a proper path is it. I've parked there for 8 months and never had a ticket before :/. and it is necessary to park there because its right opposite my nan's house :) haha.
we don't know where it is yet it could be the end of a cul-de-sac of deserted industrial estate, where they would be no one needing to walk on that bit of path

You're a funny guy.

I think most laugh at & not with, though........:devil:
not at all, it's not a proper path is it. I've parked there for 8 months and never had a ticket before :/. and it is necessary to park there because its right opposite my nan's house :) haha.
Not a proper path? :confused: What do you think it is then, a car park? :rolleyes:

Still, as long as you don't have to walk far to see your nan, all is good eh (y)
not at all, it's not a proper path is it. I've parked there for 8 months and never had a ticket before :/. and it is necessary to park there because its right opposite my nan's house :) haha.

What makes you think it isn't a 'proper path'.... :confused:


Unnecessary obstruction is the offence for the FPN. Technically it's been upheld in court before that anyone parking on a public highway can be causing an unnecessary obstruction to someone else.

Parked 4 wheels on the pavement like that I'd have ticketed it. Blocking access to the gate/dropped kerb/driveway, I'd have considered getting it removed as well. That's far more expensive than a £30 ticket.
No point replying to this thread now repeating same things - the OP isnt going to post anything back

When they first posted i think they expected everyone to say they were in the right and receive massive sympathy and a slap on the back with well wishers telling them to fight the ticket with the forums full support

Instead they got pwned into oblivion and have disappeared with embarrassment with their tail between their legs, i doubt we will see anything constructive or an argument back defending above parking scenario

I also realise the irony of this post saying no point replying to thread yet i have done so