
Panda PANDA 60HP

A "cleaned up" version of a Fiat Panda, a little lower, a little stiffer and I think better looking as a result.


Bought as a standard 1.2 car in order to use as a car to teach my children to drive... it feels like the pet I didn't want, but can't be without!

It still gets used for carrying the dogs about, doing the tip run, but now feels like it doesn't scratch it's door handles on corners. Good fun on the twisty roads where I live, without risking my license.

My son went on to buy a Panda 100HP, which was what inspired me to me create the 60HP badge.
Funny, I bought our 2010 1.2 for my wife to learn to drive. Now it's our only car. We also use it to carry our dog about.

Got hit from behind recently. The spare wheel is now a bit more sandwiched in but still very much driveable. We don't really want to get rid of it. It's been five+ years and 90,000 km's (total now is about 210,000 km's. The insurance award for the accident was more than I paid for it, so it's been essentially a free car.

It has needed maintenance but nothing so excessive, and I've done all that myself.

We live in Switzerland, but we've been to the UK, Holland, Italy with it. My wife went to Holland with two friends and three bikes. Two on the bike rack and one inside - a folding bike.

Wish it had cruise. Wish the air con didn't sap so much power from the engine. Sometimes wish it was a bit bigger. Otherwise, it's a cute little thing.

Like the 60 hp sticker.
I fitted an ATOTO F7 XE Headunit. (The UK site is out of stock)

It was largely straightforward, but the mounting of the unit in the aperture was a mission. The fitting kit I bought was no use, in the end I only used the frame from the kit and modified the existing bracket for the OEM Stereo as I was unhappy with the fit using the supplied kit.

I ran the DAB Aerial wire up the NS A Pillar as well as the Microphone wire, this has been well documented on here, and was a nice neat job thanks to the cable management in the A Pillar (Good job Fiat).


The main issue was holding the unit in the dash, a quick search online suggested that Chinese Headunits such as the ATOTO are not the same size as "proper" Double Din Units, and so there were no guarantee of fitting properly.

So, my solution was to "modify" the OEM cage and use the mounting locations from the original stereo.

IMG_20241015_105426 (Medium).jpg

By "modify" I mean hack off all the bits apart from the mounting plates that screwed into the dash.

IMG_20241015_122124 (Medium).jpg

Then, using some mounting foam pads, I trail fitted the position of the plates and offered the unit into the dash, this was a lengthy process of trail and error, but we got there. Once I was happy, I clamped the plates together with vice grip pliers and drilled holes for blots to mount it securely.

IMG_20241015_131410 (Medium).jpg

Bolts fitted and tightened.

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Thankfully nothing moved and it fitted like the OEM stereo with the 4 screws. It is really solid.

I then cut off the plastic tabs from the surround kit (as these now fouled the bracket) and fitted it and the bezel.

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The bezel kit is not great, but overall it looks fine.

I hope this is useful for someone.

I expect this is slippery slope now, and I will be upgrading the speakers at some point!
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This is wicked, they look so nice a smidge lower. I've totally fell in love with mine too, I've had a few faster, bigger cars but the panda has fast become my favourite! She's definitely gonna be a keeper. I'm also tempted to go for an android type radio thing as mine hasn't got 12 volt wiring to use a Bluetooth transmitter, I do like the original radio and the sound is great but having access to Spotify instead of lugging around millions of cds all the time would be great.
I finally got round to upgrading the standard blue interior to the black and grey from a 100HP.

Blue Interior.jpg

Old Interior

Black Interior.jpg

New seats, and partly through the door cards swap.

Before & After.jpg

Before and after. I swapped the steering wheel and indicator Slip ring / stalk combo so I can use the Steering Wheel buttons.

It looks and feels much better now!
I fitted a 100HP steering wheel and seats to my Multijet (the old wheel was horrible and I'm gradually parting out the HP).

Please can you explain what you used to get your steering wheel controls to work. I'm thinking of swapping the 100HP head unit but assumed it needed the associated wiring loom so never bothered.
I swapped over the stalks with the ones from a 100HP, there is an additional wire that connects to the back of the steering wheel.


You can see it connecting to the RH button pack.

At present I don't have the controls working with the head unit, but they do at least light up, so I am hopeful.


I have ordered one of these to hopefully make them work:

I will post and update when it arrives...
It looks like you have proved the 100HP has additional wiring to allow the steering wheel to connect. My Multijet does not have that black wire. Maybe it's the wheel button lighting only or the head unit controls are multiplexed along it.