Styling Painted Brakes

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Styling Painted Brakes

Red or yellow will improve the braking performance the most.

Please do not listen to that, painting will not improve breaking at all.
You need a set of these cheap plastic covers if you want to improve breaking.
You can find them on ebay

I am joking please for the love of all that is good, do not buy these
Please do not listen to that, painting will not improve breaking at all.
You need a set of these cheap plastic covers if you want to improve breaking.
You can find them on ebay

I am joking please for the love of all that is good, do not buy these

Why Ian? Are you about to start selling them through Cartel Parts?

Actually, thinking about it, how is a fake Brembo brake cover worse than fake carbon fibre?
painting them just draws attention to how small they are, imho black does give you the best increase in stopping power :)
painting them just draws attention to how small they are, imho black does give you the best increase in stopping power :)

So that's why black ones always look bigger :idea:

I've just had some second hand brakes which are going to go on he Subaru blasted and I'm going to paint them black or silver too. IMHO red just looks silly :)
I was gunna paint them black, BUT got my wheels off and blasted them with the hose pipe and they've come up the original silvery colour which I quite like so I'm reckoning I'll be leaving them be for the time :)