General Not a happy new owner!!!

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General Not a happy new owner!!!

May 14, 2009
Hi Guys, i picked up my new t-jet last monday. After having a good look round it i noticed the fuel filler flap was cracked. Ok, so they booked me in to have it replaced. After getting it home, there is now a small tear on the passenger side front seat, which was deffinatly not there when i dropped it off!

They have told me that it must of been there before, and must of been done by me!!!

After a lot of argueing i left the dealer very p***ed off.

What can i do about this, any thoughts would be a great help

If you are getting no where with the dealer (have you spoke to the manager?) If not try ringing Fiat UK (number on fiats website) and see if they can help.
Go to the dealer and ask to speak to the service manager.
Make notes on what is said, names etc

If still no joy then contact Fiat UK for assistance.

Most importantly keep calm, shouting and swearing will not get you anywhere. Best way to win an argument is to keep a cool head (easier said than done I know!).
The thing is its your word against theirs, you have no proof and the evidence is stacked against you. Dealers must see things like this everyday and will always be suspicious of such claims. I would offer to strike a deal with them and ask if they will meet you halfway. Get a Trimmer or possibly one of those "Smart" interior repair outfits to sort it out and see if your dealer will pay, or at least contribute to the cost......then never darken their doors again.
Your contract is with the dealer therefore you have every right to expect the dealer to put right the problems. Talk to the sales manager first.

Talking to Fiat is often an effective means of arbitration if you are not getting anywhere.

Familiarise yourself with your rights first and use them within your discussions.
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This is not a fault, its accidental damage and the issue is proving that it was there at the time of collection.
Hi Guys, i picked up my new t-jet last monday. After having a good look round it i noticed the fuel filler flap was cracked. Ok, so they booked me in to have it replaced. After getting it home, there is now a small tear on the passenger side front seat, which was deffinatly not there when i dropped it off!

They have told me that it must of been there before, and must of been done by me!!!

After a lot of argueing i left the dealer very p***ed off.

so they are replacing the fuel cap, good. Now the passengers there any reason for anyone to be in the passengers seat? Only person would be valeter I guess however on the other side of the coin have you or anyone been in that seat? If no then the seat was obviously ripped BEFORE it got to the garage.

Fine, speak on adult terms with the garage & ask them to submit a claim for new seat cover....everybodys happy:)
Re: Not a happy new owner!!! Updated pics

Spoke to the manager and he repl aced the seat cover, what a complete mess they made of it. I have had no end of trouble with it, getting fed up now(n)
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Put it back and tell them you would like it put on to your standard and this time have a look around afterwards to make sure this is done right. If they have not done this then trot along to your local consumer standards.(found in any yellow pages!)
how easy is the seat base foam to replace T? my drivers side one isn't holding up to my fat arse...
yeah not long had my drivers seat done back rest cover had split foam had moved and steel frame work had slit the cover replaced on warrenty also replaced the base cover incase of wear difference in colour so was happy.but don't think i would replace them myself probably easier to buy seats active interior front and rear was on sale last week on ebay starting at £20 (y) not sure what it finished at but bet there not cheap to buy covers of a dealer