General NOS

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General NOS


Established member
Feb 2, 2003
Essex/Southampton/Norwich, United Kingdom.
I was interested if any1 has put NOS into there cinquecento or even seicento(as we're merged now) I think it wud b alot of fun something like a 25-50HP shot dunno if its worht doing on mine tho 70K on the clock Nos will probably kill it [8D]. Anyway'z the cinquecento will beat the seicento without it :p sorry the seicento doesn't live up to the cinquecento and so will never b a replacement 4 it :D.(wonder how many arguments this post sparks up :p)

Long Live the Cinquecento.
i'm sure i'll have a thing or two to say about that,

but considering the seicento is due to be replaced by the new panda this year it might not be worth the effort

on the NOS side - it does sound a lot of fun and my sei @ 13k miles would prolly handle it

now all i need do is win the lottery....

anyone got this weeks winning numbers?

wait till you see the new one!!

its even worse - i'd rather see old ones than new ones

take the new micra and hit it hard with an ugly stick

then jack UP the suspension to make it look 4x4ish

and you are close to the new panda

er soz joanna but i dont agree wiv u!!! i reckon seicento iz much better especially the sporting version i got! i cant believe u actually fink u can beat us seicento! nope soz no way u can!

and panta! wot donz where u heard bout panda replacing seicento!? and why wud they wanna do dat!? panda iz so crap!!!
the front looks likes a polo, but the back is just f**ked :)


bravo 1.6sx
momo twin 17" alloys
apex 40mm lower springs
apex sports shock's
k&n 57i induction
toad mp4 2-1 upgrade
fully debadged
smoked front headlights
black/clear side repeaters
rear lights tint sprayed black
full midnight window tint (front/back/sunstrip)
If anyones thinking of NOS just stick to 25bhp jets max, a freind of a freind had a toyota yaris vvti(60bhp), brand new and stuck a 100bhp jet on.
Performance was mental (when he got traction) but he was surprised when the engine blew in a few weeks.

....And that pandas UGLY [:0]

"The Not so Fast but Furious"
I wud think the kit wud b around £500 thats wot most NOS kits start at that ive looked at. Anyway im planning on going 2 Santa pod on March 2nd hopefully ill hook up with clubcento if i get my membership stuff through in time [8D], anyway i think it wud b quite interesting 2 have a sort of racewar Cinquecento's Vs Seicentos the Daddy Vs its son :p. Wot u think?