General Nos how far can I go?

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General Nos how far can I go?


New member
Sep 27, 2007
I'm looking to get Some Nos, Without frying the engine !whats a safe amount 25hp or could I stretch to 50hp jet?
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I'm looking to get Some Nos, Without frying the engine !whats a safe amount 25hp or could I stretch to 50hp jet?

What's this 50 hp jet thing?

Check with your insurance first -- they're usually pretty kind as regards Nos, pretty strict about who fits it. (For obvious reasons -- they don't want someone zooming along the road under the influence of a -- pretty powerful -- mind altering drug.)

As you won't be able to afford to run it for extended periods (and probably have some cut out to allow Nos only in higher gears) then you may be able to get away with 100% more power for short periods. The crucial thing is to have some means of increasing the fuelling when the Nos is injected, and harder plugs, otherwise you will eat a piston (or two) within a few nano seconds.(n)
What's this 50 hp jet thing?

Check with your insurance first -- they're usually pretty kind as regards Nos, pretty strict about who fits it. (For obvious reasons -- they don't want someone zooming along the road under the influence of a -- pretty powerful -- mind altering drug.)

As you won't be able to afford to run it for extended periods (and probably have some cut out to allow Nos only in higher gears) then you may be able to get away with 100% more power for short periods. The crucial thing is to have some means of increasing the fuelling when the Nos is injected, and harder plugs, otherwise you will eat a piston (or two) within a few nano seconds.(n)
I did, they will allow it, The Different Nos jets produce different power levels. like for example A Nitrous jet size of .030" or 0.762mm should produce:
40.65 HP with 1 port(s). Think i will go with 25hp and look more in to it. but thanks for the advice.I know what to expect now(y)
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What sort of engine are we talking about here? I was told was the best way forward is to consider the engine running nox a turbo with consideration to everything but CR. So look to the turbo boys n' gals to see what they're running at your target output. Really I only see forged pistons being needed for a 50bhp jetting on a reasonably well tuned engine.

Fingers, #bhp jetting is the theoretical power rise from the extra oxygen being put into the cylinder. Typically N/A engines offer real outputs lower than the theoretical gain, forced induction engines often deliver better than 100% theoretical gains.

a 25bhp jetting will deliver around 20bhp with a wet kit and a 5 to 10% more with ECU controlled fuelling/spark optimisation.
(James) Supersei fitted nos or cetainly discussed it IIRC he was an old member and every now and again may pop back.

I think he used a 1242 block though.

He held discussions at least with the guys at 'wizards of nos' who are based in doncaster, he or they may be the best people to talk to about this

Older more established members will know who i mean
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DTT ran it on his punto with no problems think he was on at least plus 25bhp

These are usually fitted with an arm switch and a micoswitch on the trottle so it is only used at full throttle but word of warning the engine temperatures can rise very quickly when you inject so make sure the cooling system is in top condition
Ive got a nos kit, and nearly all the bits to get it to direct port, just need three more foggers.

I was going to stick it on me project, but now im looking to compete in it, its off the books, and i might compete in me new cinq, so it wont be going on that either. so its sat in me room looking prity:)

A simple wet kit will do you, the only reason i went for direct port was because i was going to use it with ITB's, and getting equal distribution across the four inlets would be very hard with one fogger.

I also got a decent nitrous controller:slayer:
One of them progressive controllers could be better and safer? Expensive though
better to stick in a full punto75 engine in and have the ecu remapped full time 25bhp cheaper in long run
Wizards of NOS are THE people to deal with.

They wont oversell or risk your engine.

Start with 25jets. Then speak to wizard and they will see if you can upgrade.

Dont go straight to 50.
I have also been looking into NOS. Would the standard cinquecento sporting fuel pump be able to supply enough presure for a wet kit? Basically what i plan on doing is cutting the fuel line in the engine bay and attaching this to a Y connector and taking one feed back to the fuel rail / injector and one to the NOS pulsoid?

If not would a punto fuel pump fit in?
No idea what kind of delivery rate/pressure you'll need. Most of the high boost tubs run uprated (often Escort/Sierra Cossie) 3 bar pumps.

Just be carefull with your cutting and clamping: a tiny hole at 1 bar (let alone 3) may result in a fireball. If you can afford it, braided stainless with threaded fittings is the way to go.
Sounds like a plan, Do those pumps fit straight in the tank then with no modification?

I think i will go for braided hoses im not a fan of fireballs lol. Would it be ok to run a wet system on the SPI and where abouts would the fogger be installed? On the throttle body? or in the inlet manifold somewhere?
Brooky you got any photos of the bob you made? would be nice to see so i have a rough idea what im going to do.

Cheers :)
stick the fogger in the bob, above the TB, i made a custom ss bob for this.

The ZEX, NX & Nitrious works fitting manuals are consistent and they say for a single jet installation the fogger should be placed between 6" and 18" away from the throttle body, the straighter the run into the throttle body the further away the fogger needs to be for proper mixing. If you require the fogger to be close to the throttle body a spray bar fogger should be used. the NX manual says that the fogger shouldn't be installed were the intake bends. They also say the jet should be aimed so that it's flowing towards the engine but also so that it will be made to spiral down the intake pipe.

This more-or-less says the in-bob fogger mounting is the wrong place.
Would this be the same for a wet shot? what about direct port where abouts would the fogger go in a direct port setup?
It applies to both, the reason you need the TB to fogger gap is to get the nox/fuel mixture properly diffused through the air in the intake.

With direct port injection the fogger is some were in the intake manifold, I've not looked into direct port nitrous so beyond that I've not any idea.