General New Wheels!

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General New Wheels!

Sep 8, 2005
New wheels arrived yesterday, I couldn't wait so I just had to put them on! Car is a bit dirty, but took some pics today anyway.




Also done a few other bis- tint indicators, headlights.. Next, off with the rub strips!

Comments please folks :)

p.s. my old wheels are for sale! check the ad here!
Looks good, not my choice of ally's though.. are you selling the old wheels?
yes Mike they are- I saw them in a issue of PPC a few months ago and just *had* to have them :D

edit oh and j yes they are for sale, read the first post ;)
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i bet it took ages! Fancy doing mine? :)

could just do with some nice engine bling to finish it off!

buy yourself a spare rocker cover and give it a go... anyone can do it, you just have to be patient.

i was thinking of maybe a black battery cover, because my battery tray is mankey with rust, and I can't remove it to fix it :(
Very nice mate, I love the alloys.

If you can get it lower and change the rear lights to something more OE that would look awesome imo.
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Hi how did you tint the front lights like that? they look awesome!

Headlights and inidcators were heated up around the sealed parts, and then seperated the cover. Some people spray the whole indicator, but I only did the side and flat section, to match the headlights.

Sand down, some primer, let it dry, some colour, let it dry, some lacquer.. then put it back together along with some sealent to make avoid steaming up!

Btw- when doing the headlights, only spray the strip that extends out from the cluster- don't spray the reflectors next to the bulbs!

D4N D C said:
Very nice mate, I love the alloys.

If you can get it lower and change the rear lights to something more OE that would look awesome imo.

Thanks mate (love your mk2 btw :worship: ) Only problem with going lower, is at the moment i already have scraping problems.. with the exhaust manifold :eek:

Major concern is when I go back to Uni, I'll be living in accomdation with a one way system around it.. with tonnes of speed bumps.. it would be scrape city, but I *know* it would so much better just a tiny bit lower :(

As for tail lights.. I guess OE is the way for euro, I have a spare set for my MOT.. which is this week. I'll see how I feel once they are on.