General New One!

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General New One!

Sep 12, 2011
A little while ago, for some unknown reason to anyone-I started noticing a little car I have since learned is called a Fiat 500- I have no unearthly clue why. I said to hubby-'they look kind of cute'. . then I started to notice more of them. . . until it got to be a bit of an addiction. . . to cut a verrrry long story short we got to inherit a little bit of money, and then hubby said well. . we will probably need to upgrade a very sad looking (on it's last legs! 2nd car Skoda fairly soon) so I have just put a deposit on a new Funk White-ivory roof Twin-air 500. . . .(tan leather seats!) I am soooo excited you would not believe- I am told about 8-10 weeks

any tips gratefully accepted- more later. . .

Certainly from the front view, the Fiat 500 manages the quite fantastic feat of looking both cute and "purposeful" at the same time. It's an absolutely brilliant piece of design.

Welcome to the forum, FunkwhiteCinque. I'm new here and have found everyone to be very helpful and welcoming :)
Certainly from the front view, the Fiat 500 manages the quite fantastic feat of looking both cute and "purposeful" at the same time. It's an absolutely brilliant piece of design.

Welcome to the forum, FunkwhiteCinque. I'm new here and have found everyone to be very helpful and welcoming :)


Anyway, yes, welcome to FWC.
A little while ago, for some unknown reason to anyone-I started noticing a little car I have since learned is called a Fiat 500- I have no unearthly clue why. I said to hubby-'they look kind of cute'. . then I started to notice more of them. . . until it got to be a bit of an addiction. . . to cut a verrrry long story short we got to inherit a little bit of money, and then hubby said well. . we will probably need to upgrade a very sad looking (on it's last legs! 2nd car Skoda fairly soon) so I have just put a deposit on a new Funk White-ivory roof Twin-air 500. . . .(tan leather seats!) I am soooo excited you would not believe- I am told about 8-10 weeks

any tips gratefully accepted- more later. . .


So you're getting a 500C- a convertible?

Welcome to the forum and I wish you all the best with your new baby.
welcome, its a long wait that 12 weeks, but we got the call a few days ago that our 500 will be with us before the end of the month!
So you're getting a 500C- a convertible?

Welcome to the forum and I wish you all the best with your new baby.

Thanks Twinair Newbie and everybody-yeah decided to go the whole hog and go convertible- can't wait for next summer-or even 10 weeks time-of course when we went in to order the guy was like "I can tell it's not going to be straight forward" apparently I had that look (whatever that means) does anyone know how many people go for the tan leather as opposed to the red-I liked the red but I really wanted the ivory roof and thought the tan would just look better with it-
So you're getting a 500C- a convertible?

Welcome to the forum and I wish you all the best with your new baby.

Thanks Twinair Newbie and everybody-yeah decided to go the whole hog and go convertible- can't wait for next summer-or even 10 weeks time-of course when we went in to order the guy was like "I can tell it's not going to be straight forward" apparently I had that look (whatever that means) does anyone know how many people go for the tan leather as opposed to the red-I liked the red but I really wanted the ivory roof and thought the tan would just look better with it-

At the end of the day you should go with the colour combo you want :) I'm biased to the tan leather, which is what I got in my car ;) There's definately a funk white/tan leather car pictured in the members photos page but I'm not sure about pictures of the combo with an ivory roof. If you're at all unsure however you need to get on and change it with the dealer sooner rather than later as once the order reaches a certain stage it can't be altered anymore.
I don't know if we were alone in having the situation where our local dealer had a few new 500s sitting on the forecourt?

We just chose, sorry- Mrs TA chose, one of them. I'd have gone for the Volare Blue TA that was there.