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New here!


New member
Aug 31, 2024

I'm new here and would like to introduce myself. I recently bought my first car, a orange Fiat Panda 1.2 2007! She needs a little love but on purchase we did the highly needed. She currently has around 145xxx km on her little body and we are hoping to get to 200xxx at minimum. In the meantime I do wanna be proud of my little discolored fiat and fix her up inside.

This was when we just got her!

In the meantime we:
Gave her new oil, new headlights, new timing belt (much needed, dry cracks), waterpump, filters and some other belt.. Or well, my boyfriend did this for me. She just went for her yearly check and she passed wuth flying colors!

I'm mostly here because I want to try and "fix" her up some more. More "aesthetically" (read; new tires, rims, new seats, new shift leather etc..etc...). And i'm looking for some tips where to find these things! I'm not a car girl or anything like that so i'm learning as I go, kindness is appriciated!

I've been looking around for the orange seats mostly but I can't seem to find these! Most common i've found were blue and/or yellow. Any ideas on where to find it?

Feel free to show your fixer uppers, before and afters etc...

Kind regards!