General My 100HP toy!

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General My 100HP toy!

Yeah, I'm not sure I like it too, I sprayed reverse puller plastic thing and I went with Matte Black spray and a Flat Clear to finish it off. Looks good actually. They might look better as matte black Harey. Not sure if u should spray them red, buy small piece of red vinyl for £2 enough to do few vent to see if u like it man. Will be cheaper and faster option to try red before u commit to painting :D
Yeah, I'm not sure I like it too, I sprayed reverse puller plastic thing and I went with Matte Black spray and a Flat Clear to finish it off. Looks good actually. They might look better as matte black Harey. Not sure if u should spray them red, buy small piece of red vinyl for £2 enough to do few vent to see if u like it man. Will be cheaper and faster option to try red before u commit to painting :D

good shout. I'll do one in plastidip one in red vinyl but also tempted for the sticker bomb vinyl too
I had my centre console done in carbon wrap but couldn't get it quite right so I sprayed it black. (not really sure I like that so thinking of doing it red)

I left the vents on either side in wrap though

How easy or difficult is it to get those vents out. ???
dead easy and tool free.

- open vents, feed ur fingers through grab back of the rim and pull. try pulling it 1 side out first. they just push in really.

Or u can use trim tools or flat driver to pray them off but wrap driver in something soft so u dont damage trim around
Front badge was tricky. Had to loosen the 4 bumper bolts and flex the bumper to get behind it but the badge needed cutting down in the middle because it was not flush so we did it with a little Hak saw then went on nicely! ImageUploadedByFIAT Forum1369846200.072184.jpg
Alex, some one has a red 100hp on here with black wheels. They Plasti-Dipped them. Not sure who, I think it could be Harey. Have a look it was on front page recently. They had pictures so that would help me make this decision. (y)

Eye that is me. All 4 wheels are done in black Plastidip. I used 3 cans in total and it's held up well and looks awesome. Have a look in my project thread