The 1.6 8v Sporting is generally cosidered an Mk0 (in sporting terms), as opposed to the 1.2 16v Mk1 which replaced the former.
1.2 16v runs at 86 bhp, 1.6 8v runs at 90bhp, however the 1.2 is slightly nippier due to it's 16 vales and the FIRE (Fully Intergrated Robotic Engine) they decided to whack in over the standard-style sporting engine!
My 1.2 16v sporting has only a KnN, performace leads and plugs and a decat... I kill any other 1.2... much nippier than any clio/nova/corsa
I even pipped a 1.4 16v corsa at the lights yesterday.
Go me.
1.2 16v Sporting Mk1
K'n'N, performance plugs and leads.