Styling Maybe wimmy can help???

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Styling Maybe wimmy can help???

Aug 16, 2005
Hi there i have got a bravo hlx and have got to pick up some hgt side skirts for it. The only problem is i don't know how to get them off can any help?? Also will i have to drill my cills to fit them. Many thanks in advance. (y)
from what i can see of my hgt skirts in the garden... well maybe not see maybe more remember, they are screwed on at each end, in the wheel arch and also have those clip plug thingies along the sill, just gently persuade them out. it may also be bonded a lil bit, so just go gently with a fine knife or similar to get them free (y)

Where bouts in chadd u from and wat car? Im from chadd. Im bravo boys bro. I got dark blue bravo hlx.


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Be aware that the HGT side skirts may also need a little filler in the front. The arches are slightly flared on the HGT model so you may find a small gap where they meet the front wheel arch.

As for taking them off - see above. Cant tell you for definate as my HGT didn't have standard skirts on it when I bought it