Technical Lots of play in gear stick after new cables

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Technical Lots of play in gear stick after new cables


New member
Feb 3, 2025
I’m hoping someone can put my mind at ease on this one.

At the weekend I had a gear linkage cable snap, throwing the gear stick completely lose and stuck in 5th.

It’s now been fixed, 2 new gear cables and bushing and after some adjustments, the gear changes like a dream.

It does, however, have a lot of play when in gear with me being able to wobble the gear stick around a fair bit, which I don’t remember being as bad prior to the issue, possibly due to me having less focus on the gear stick.

I took it back to the garage who made some adjustments to the cable which improved a slight stick when trying to get into 5th but they advise the wobble is caused by age and some wearing due to the stretch in the previous cable.

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if there is any chance of future damage this could cause or is it simply a side effect of age?.
Easy 1.4
You say the gears change like a dream. That's the most important thing here.

Whenever you change a car part it'll likely be different than before. Change seats, they'll feel different, change tyres, they'll sound different, change the clutch and it'll bite different. And so on.
You say the gears change like a dream. That's the most important thing here.

Whenever you change a car part it'll likely be different than before. Change seats, they'll feel different, change tyres, they'll sound different, change the clutch and it'll bite different. And so on
Glad to hear it’s not unexpected, first car so still learning the ins and outs and what to be looking for, will just continue to enjoy the experience.

Really appreciate you taking the time to respond!