Technical Knocking back left

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Technical Knocking back left


Jul 22, 2022
West Yorkshire
I’ve done lots of work on my daughter’s seicento, lately there’s been a knocking from the back passengers side . They put a new exhaust on today , did need doing ) but the knocking is still there . Does anyone have any ideas please . I would jack it up but I have bad man flu , and that’s the last thing I would like to do 🤷‍♂️👍👍🤞
Fiat seicento
Must be the rubber dampers at the base of the rear wheel arms,don't know if I use the correct names but you probably understand.
English is not my native language.
Had the same problem some times and always checking if my spare wheel is loose.
Went to a fiat mechanic and friend,put dampers from the panda 900,they are more robust,problem solved.
Could be a few things.
Main culprits would be:
• rear arm bushes
• rear dampers
• broken spring

Rear arm bushes are a bit of a pain to change. The other 2 are pretty simple jobs.
Could be a few things.
Main culprits would be:
• rear arm bushes
• rear dampers
• broken spring

Rear arm bushes are a bit of a pain to change. The other 2 are pretty simple jobs.
Thank you but all that has been replaced within the year , I’ve posted it all on here that’s why it’s bugging me, thanks
Did the issue improve when any of the work was done or has it been the same the entire time?

When I replaced the rear arm bushes with standard rubber replacements, they lasted less than A year before knocking again. I went with power flex and they have lasted much longer so far.
Did the issue improve when any of the work was done or has it been the same the entire time?

When I replaced the rear arm bushes with standard rubber replacements, they lasted less than A year before knocking again. I went with power flex and they have lasted much longer so far.
It’s been nearly a year since being done and it started knocking a week or so ago , daughter says it seems to be getting louder
I would definitely consider those bushes being the culprit. Cheap dampers can also start knocking after a short while too.

Unfortunately you are going to have to go under it and take a look and see if you can see or feel anything. The rear bushes are a bit hard to diagnose yourself without access to a ramp.

One other thought is the boot. Worth checking it isn't knocking on the catch or hinges. You should be able to feel play in it when shut by pulling it about.
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Well I’ve found out the problem, the lower shock bolt had broke so was only attached slightly, it was original bolt so kicking myself a bit . I now am on the hunt for new . Thank you everyone for your help