The reverse light is a funny one also, it is not even an MOT item so wouldn't have thought they would have been bothered about checking it?
Beat me to it.
This reminds me of the first time I was pulled over, central Norwich tail end of 2006, been on the road a few months.
Victoria (our origional 750L) was 5 up. We were going to the cinema and the police car had been following us for about 2 miles and something didn't feel right. In true Italian style the NSF indicator working intermittantly. Turning left into the multistory car park I thought to myself, do I risk using the indicator and it flashing fast (possibly) or not indicate but then get done for that?
I decided to indicate, it flashed quickly and on came the blue lights as the police car pulled along side us at the twin electric barriers to enter the car park. Officer wound down the window and shouted 'Oi, we want a word with you'.
In my haste to pull upto the barrier button I was to far away, reversed slightly to pull in closer and had the police car shoot back in reverse to block us - I think he thought I was about to drive off - Can you imagine a 750L, all <34BHP 5 up trying to out run the police
Got into the car park, then started getting the 3rd degree.
Rear passenger didn't have a seatbelt on (if I'd known I'd have had words, but didn't know at the time). I pointed out they're over 14 years of age so no my responsibility.
Shouldn't have 5 people in a car designed for 4.....its got 5 sets of seatbelts officer! (the other officer apparently poked his head in and said to the passengers its not wise to have 3 fat people in the back of a car designed for 2 people in the back).
Crack in the headlight - not road worthy, advised the officer it had passed 3 MOTs like it.
Indicator not working properly. Oh I didn't know that officer, how can you tell? The speed it was flashing son - que the passenger being told to turn the hazards true Italian style it worked correctly. RESULT! :slayer:
Officers then decided to buggar off and leave us alone
I still remember that pull over as though it were yesterday
The other 2 occasions I've been pulled over though have been far more civilized - the first impressions with that first pull over I wasn't impressed with though.