Technical Just got a 1.4 16v dynamic sport, niggly issues including judder when changing gear

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Technical Just got a 1.4 16v dynamic sport, niggly issues including judder when changing gear


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Hi, new here as I have just this weekend purchased a 07 1.4 16v dynamic sport. Really like the car, just had a baby and thought I would be buying something like a Focus or Golf Plus but my mind was changed!

Just wanted to ask if anyone thinks there is a problem with the car or not. I am getting a bit of judder when pulling away or changing from 1st to 2nd gear, if you give it a few more revs it kind of stops doing it, but low down you get the judder sometimes. Is this the common clutch/flywheel problem people have been talking about?

The only other issue is the thick rubber door seal (internal) on the driver's side, which looks a bit warped. The one on the passenger side looks okay, although I am happy to live with that as the car is 3 years old and is in great condition, but if anyone has any ideas about this I would appreciate them.

I still have a couple of months' warranty so can take it in to the garage if necessary.

Cheers guys.
Well the seal round my drivers door isn't as good as the one on the passenger side either. Most notably at the corner between the top and the side at the front of the car. Hasn't bothered me enough to get anything done about it though. Can't comment on the judder as I haven't experience it myself.