Technical I've found something in my engine and I have no idea what it is (Stilo Multijet)

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Technical I've found something in my engine and I have no idea what it is (Stilo Multijet)


Jul 29, 2012
I was cleaning around the glow plugs and I found this just laying there, completely loose:


Does anyone know, what this is?
I've already found out - it's the top swirl flap linkage.
Is it possible that everything still works, only the mounts are worn out?

swirl flaps falling off is a regular thing with that type of manifold.
if you leave the bar off the flaps will swing freely , sometimes open sometimes closed.
theres a pdf on here somewhere for the pieburg site.
I think its only flap 3 that is driven from underneath.
try to move all flaps to see they are free, its usually a stuck flap that makes the bar pop off.(number 3 will be tight from motor drive)
switch engine on and off it may swirl over to check number 3.
theres a kit on ebay here
all this sorts is the bar dropping off
if the flaps are seized no idea if it will back up to motor and throw a fault if it cant open/close.
there are also kits to remove the flaps and seal the holes up
but I think the manifold would have to be off to split and get flaps out ? don't know for sure.
shop around you may find cheaper kits than above theyre just examples
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The flaps move around freely, and tommorow I'll check with multiecuscan if the driven one moves.

I think the bar fel off because of the wear, since the plastic holes are not even round anymore.

Do you think that brass kit is a good idea? No chance in damaging the flaps and falling of them into the engine?

Do you remember that video you made about the multijet smoking on startup? Well, today for the first time since I have the car it started without that smoke and quicker than usual - because I repaired the swirl flaps so they all moved again.

I'm not saying that this is the problem on all Multijets but I think it's possible that smoking occurred was because of the swirl flaps not closing completely when starting the car.

The short term solution for my problem was turning the swirl flap rod around so the other side of the plastic bushings get worn - in the long term (in the next few weeks) I'll remove the flaps completely. The easiest solution for me would be to order brass bushings, but you never know when the flaps will get loose and fall into the engine.
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Im thinking of doing the same when i finally get the cambelt done.
The alfa guys have tested quite a bit with flaps out and report no noticable downside.
No potential boost leaks when worn, is upside and im not sure if this type is known for flaps dropping into engine, i think its the later manifold with metal flaps.
A BOSCH mechanic on a Slovenian forum said that it does happen on these engines also (not as much as on the infamous 2l bmw engines though :p), so it's better to take them out to be sure. He didn't say on which version of the manifold it's more common, but I would hazard a guess Pierburg didn't do a revision and worsened the situation :D

I'm sure you've noticed but if you have the older version of the manifold (55190238 instead of 55210201 which is a revised version), the eBay kit ( won't fit directly.
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well a little update but more to come with a bit of data im sure.
just picked up my car after a big service, ive been putting the cambelt off for a bit too long.
due to the labour costs I decided to get a spare inlet manifold(newer version) and remove the swirl flaps and install the aluminium blanks off ebay.
I can always clean up and plug old manifold and sell on.
the swirl flaps in the newer manifold are one piece with no screws so required drifting out, cleaned up, glue applied and using a c clamp pressed into the holes, they were worryingly tight but went in , I bet the glue is belt and braces.
anyway thanks to Alitalia Wrexham for the fitting as part of a cambelt water pump thermostat and egr cooler removal(as egr removed anyway)
now the bad news
even though being done with the cambelt kit etc howard said it was a long job as there was a bracket in the way between manifold and high pressure pump that needed to be removed to get the manifold off.
so not a quick and easy job to get off and on.
so as it is now im now running a manifold with no swirl flaps with the actuator still connected to the loom(hanging on strut brace next to egr plug)
I will feed back more info when back in work Tuesday as that will be best to compare to normal work journey. so far from picking it up and driving home im struggling to notice any downside.
ill put up a you tube link after to the play in my original swirl flaps and some pics.
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I've had the swirl flaps actuator deactivated, as I've decided it's not worth taking that much engine apart just to sort the intake manifold and I'll also change it when cambelt is due and everything will need to come off anyway.

Just a quick question about the EGR heat exchanger - don't the exhaust gasses still go up to the EGR even if it's deactivated (just not into the intake manifold)? At least that's my understanding from looking at the picture in ePer.
yes the exhaust gas would travel up into the egr cooler and even up to the egr valve but in theory be dead ended(and therefore not as hot as if it had through flow)
I have a 12mm steel blank fitted at the exhaust manifold and a 10 or 12 mm ally plate blanking the inlet manifold square hole, everything else removed physically gone.
after a week of driving I can now honestly say its warming up only a minute or 2 earlier on daily commute with egr cooler removed, of course the thermostat was done at same time so partially responsible for this, so all in all not much gain for hassle and labour to remove egr cooler.
swirl flap wise im still only noticing a very slight low rpm lack of torque but press the pedal more and theres more there, same again theres no massive improvement to be had considering it took 6-7 hours to get off and new one on even though done with cambelt unless say manifold has already lost a swirl flap or leaking boost badly and has to come off.
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