Technical Is There A Problem With Mk1 Scudo Nearside Outer CV Boots?

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Technical Is There A Problem With Mk1 Scudo Nearside Outer CV Boots?


Nov 19, 2015
Vehicle - Mk1 Scudo 2.0JTD, 2004(54) van

I've got a huge problem with something that should be so simple, and beginning to lose hope that it can ever be fixed. All attempts by 2 garages and myself to get a new n/side outer cv boot to stay in place and not come adrift on the large/outer end clip have ended in failure. Now on boot number 5 including the original. The story so far -

Boot 1 - the original from new, lasted 18 years before it split and needed replacement

Boot 2 - less flexible plastic type pattern boot fitted by garage. Large clip disappeared after fitting. Next new clip still attached, but boot has pulled out of it. Tried a third clip, but this one disappeared as well.

Boot 3 - A universal softer rubber stretch boot fitted by me. Lasted about a month before completely splitting all around it's circumference just inboard of the large clip

Boot 4 - Rigid plastic type pattern boot fitted by gearbox specialist. Within a week the boot had pulled out of the large clip

Boot 5 - Went back to gearbox specialist and they tried an OEM genuine Fiat boot, which is the softer rubber type this time. Lasted about 10 days before the large clip disappeared - yet again!!! Van going back on Thursday for them to have another look.

I'm tearing my hair out with this one. Does anyone have any experience of cv boots on Scudos, particularly nearside, being such a big problem? It seems almost like the boots maybe too short and are straining in the clips maybe on max steering lock. But that's just my guess? Does anyone know of problems with Scudo boots and driveshafts. Any thoughts - please!!

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I wish the mods hadn't moved this from 'Lets Talk Fiat', to here, because few people visit the Scudo forum and even fewer even reply to topics. At least in the other section, this thread may have been seen by Fiat techs and had half a chance of a reply. Oh well....................