I *still* need all you guys help with something!

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I *still* need all you guys help with something!

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Mar 15, 2002
It's Friday, the weekend is nearly here and you're bored at work - great!

Then can I just ask for a minute of your time?

I've been working on a dealership/garage directory type system for the forum, basically like a Google Maps review thing, but in-house, so it's going to be a lot more relevant to us all.

I think I'm done with the code, but need you guys to test it - which will 1) help me and 2) help everyone else, as we'll get some businesses in there!

Everyone here has (probably) used a garage in the last year, so if you can write me a short review of it that would be great!

So what I need you to do is this (pretty please).
  1. Head over to the business directory.
  2. Click the Add Item button.
  3. Select the type of garage it is (independent or dealership)
  4. On the next page, type in the name of it and Google should automatically find it

  5. Click it and check on the map that it's the correct one - if so, click the "save" button.
  6. If everything worked correctly, you should now be forwarded to the add review page
  7. Fill it in and hit submit!
If all works, that should have created the garage and added your review. If the garage already existed, it should have just added your review!

Everything should then get added to the map, so over time we'll have an awesome way to find forum member recommended places! Hurrah!

We'll test this over the next week or so (so I'll push it a bit more) - then if all is working, release it properly (link the header etc!)

Thanking you!
On 13th I'll be able to give it an interesting little test, my thingy is booked in with Abarth Services, which is at the same address as Fiat Services and Alfa services in Royston, though they all have separate Google entries
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