I maybe a 'wrongun' / taste fail

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I maybe a 'wrongun' / taste fail

Aug 16, 2004
As per the subject line... I think I quite like the Kia Soul.
There I've gone and said it.

Previous taste malfunctions include nearly buying a Daihatsu YRV Turbo, liking the Daihatsu Materia and having a sneaky admiration for a black PT Cruiser with flame decals.

Is there any salvation from this madness? Am I all alone or does anyone else have bizarre vehicular fancies?
I actually like the Kia cee'd - perhaps there is no hope for me either :)

I love the Kia C'eed- it almost brings to mind the Stilo - feels like a natural successor. However, that's a perfectly reasonable and explicable fancy... it's a great looking car - well the Pro C'eed at any rate.
I actually like the Kia cee'd - perhaps there is no hope for me either :)

Me to ..a friend has got one and I put him onto the car when he wanted to change his old one..1.6 is 120bhp straight out of the box with no electronic glitches..
i can see it but edited accordingly, can it be seen now because i can see the new link?
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I'll still take my Bravo as a 'modern stilo' over a Cee'd :)

:yeahthat: but a 7 year warranty though and that Crdi engine is a cracker, can see why this car is appealing to a lot of folk

In the last few years kia, like hyundai have come on a long way
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