How would u charge

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How would u charge

Apr 8, 2008
Well I need some advice
Ive just serviced a family members car
Its 2009 pug 407

I did the full works on it
Inc a set of rear pads for her

I dont know how much to charge her for the work

Im a lvl3 qyalified mechanic whos struggling to get a job in nechanics

Im thinking about £15 for rear pad fit
But how much for service?

2 cases of stella and a takeaway :D

had a few people take advantage of my better nature in the past rest assured if they ever have the balls to ask again they will be put firmly in their place

Had a lass i went to school with have a problem with her GP offered to help... Her mum came out how much do we owe you (baring in mind i had been laying in the snow for about half an hour...... just get me a pint next time you see me out... week later they are both stood at the bar.... ask how the car is..... oh its fine got a new fan and dad fitted it and it works....... and walked off......

lets just say we are no longer friends......... and i would quiet happily drive on past if i saw her broken down

(and i did do that with my half cousin when i saw her broken down on my way home from work after she took the p155)

people dont understand its not just time... its expense tools and consumables do not appear in the garage at home
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My local small independent garage charges £40 per hour plus VAT plus parts.

Now their rate is the lowest in the area and they do only that which is necessary, contact you for questionable items (e.g pads will 100% be required to be changed at next service) and then let you decide if you want them to do the work this service or next. They are also 110% cautious so you will never be returned a car that in their opinion is dangerous or unsafe.

For them basic oil change, filter changes (oil, air, pollen, fuel) and basic serviceability and safety check is normally billed at 1 hour. If pads, discs, etc need changing then they charge at the industry Auto Data set time for the task. If they take longer they absorb the cost. If they are a little bit quicker then the standard time rate still applies. Now bearing in mind that Auto Data times are very difficult to achieve if you attend to quality and care then it is highly unlikely an honest garage will equal or better the Auto Data rates.

Most main dealers charge a minimum of £80+ VAT per hour. BMW and Mercedes are probably in the region of £120 per hour. (not checked recently).

To change a set of rear pads is IMHO a 30 minute task (MINIMUM) from start job start (get in car, drive to lift, etc) to job end (park car back in customer bay). So on this basis £20+VAT + parts is a very cheap and fair price to pay based on £40 per hour.

A cautionary point! If you are actually charging this person/persons to do this servicing work the I STRONGLY suggest you get proper liability insurance. You should be able to obtain this (if your qualifications are valid & accepted) for a modest fee (probably £100 to £200 for 3 million pounds of cover but I have never formally enquired for motor trade operation).
Ah, Family & friends - the best people to do jobs for - not! Needed sorting out up front really but I would have said cover the bits plus £50 would be reasonable.
The best thing that works for me is the line - "see how much (a garage close by) will do it for"
Instantly they will come back to you once they realise what it would cost, and the poor garage has worked out what should be charged you just under cut them by ££
when you do it for less there is no arguments, they think your great and you get repeat good paid work.
It's the not realising how much it would of cost that causes the hassle,
"He was only out there two hours and he wants £50!!!"

When it would of been -
"ok that's 2 hours labour @£50 and parts @ £150, = £250 please. . . ."

" :O "
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Ah, Family & friends - the best people to do jobs for - not! Needed sorting out up front really but I would have said cover the bits plus £50 would be reasonable.


I was thinking £40-50, be honest with your self you're not a registered business with premises, overheads wages equipment etc

you're also not carrying any personal or public liability insurance or indemnity insurance, this mean you are not in a position to be charging anything like what a garage would charge.

my brother builds camper vans (converts vw Transporters) he has premises and pays currently £4k a year for all his insurances including trade car insurance policy. thats without any other costs, building rent, energy bills council rates etc that should give you some idea of why garages charge what they do, and for every mechanic they employ they are most likely adding £20k-£30 a year to their bills in wages, NI etc

as you're only really doing it as a hobby and i suspect not planning to declare your earnings etc, then you will need to make it a small nominal amount to cover your time, be careful about doing it too often or you'll find the HMRC knocking on your door
book time one hour 45 minutes a side and thats with power tools

not like a punto see;)

£50 says those nuts bolts have already been out before they did that video and that in real life it takes a year to get that stuck bolt out......
Powertools are a must me thinks.....

Need a nice windy gun tho and a compressor tbh....
