help required from the FF rabbit specialists

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help required from the FF rabbit specialists

Jun 3, 2004
Ooop North
Need some rabbit help.

My mrs was at home this morning and she said the rabbit was fine and normal, playing, running about all this morning. she then went to work. i came home at 6 to let the rabbit out and it is just lying their, ignoring me. Usually she goes mental when she sees me.

shes wouldnt come out and ignored a treat i brought. she then retreated to the back of the hutch. when i went to stroke her she lunged for me... she has never done this before (well since we got her but she stopped after she settled). she is now in out of sight backed in a corner.

she even ignored her favourite treat, which is a rare treat, again she goes mental for.

Now 2 weeks ago we got a baby rabbit that has just started living outside but is in a seperate hutch, they been getting on fine, but they cant mix yet as he is a male awaiting the chop.

anyone think its like a sulk or depression or think she's actually ill?

mr mrs will likely take her the vets in the morning anyone but any ideas?

please no 'put it in a pie' or similar posts.... im worried
Not really enough to go on.

I/we have two house rabbits (male & female both neutered) and they get on well together. Even happy with our (now passed on) burmese cat.

The really only time we see a sulking/retinance/lethagy is when they are constipated/full of wind/other tummy trouble.

Is the rabbit still eating and toileting?

If in doubt, get towel, put the rabbit on your warm lap and gently massage to tummy/abdomen.

Rabbits can be very fussy, difficult to measure/understand and many times outright little sods.

The "in one end out the other" is a good healthy sign and any lapse over 12 hours should be consider as requiring attention and at 24 hours should be taken very seriously.
Now lets be blooming honest here BBS would you want to come out of a warm hutch when its Peeing down out way Pedro...:shakehead:
PNL, it wasnt raining here!

Shes alright now, she picked up a bit later in the night and started to eat and play and came out for a quick run round the garden, and this morning my mrs said there was a massive poo in the hutch so it looks like she was constipated!

pets! what they like??!?!?
PNL, it wasnt raining here!

Shes alright now, she picked up a bit later in the night and started to eat and play and came out for a quick run round the garden, and this morning my mrs said there was a massive poo in the hutch so it looks like she was constipated!

pets! what they like??!?!?

Well its been chucking it down summat rotten here Dan for a while now and as you live up north I thought it might be the same..anyroad lad glad to here the bunny is a ok now..(y)
cheers everyone, later that night by the time my other half came home, she was coming out of her shell a bit, still wasnt quite right but in the morning we were treated to a monster rabbit turd!!! she must have been bunged up that rabbits can do.

now all we need to figure out is to stop the young one from chewing its hutch!!! we give it wood but its still liking the hutch